Cards (6)

  • What do researchers do to determine the likelihood that the difference/relationship found in an experiment is statistically significant?
    They use statistical tests.
  • What do statistical tests work on the basis of?
    They work on the basis of probability.
  • What is the mnemonic for remembering the statistical tests?
    Carrots Should Comme Mashed With Swede Under Roast Potatoes.
  • How can you tell if a studdy is testing for a difference or a correlation?
    If it's a diference it will either say so or the study will be split into two or more groups. For a correlation it will say so.
  • Check Statistical tests document and look at the questions.
  • Fill in the blank:
    A) Chi-Squared
    B) Sign Test
    C) Chi-Squared
    D) Mann-Whitney
    E) Wilcoxon
    F) Spearman's rho
    G) Unrelated t-test
    H) Related t-test
    I) Pearson's r