Limited liability : business has a separate legal identity from owners so owners can only lose as much money that they've put into the business and are not responsible for the business' debts
Private Limited Company (LTD)
Public Limited Company (PLC)
Unlimited Liability : Owners are fully responsible for any business debts so personal assets can be seized and business and owner are seen as one in the eyes of the law
Sole Trader
Finance & limited liability:
easier for them to raise lots of finance via share capital
investors may be more willing to become part/share owners as they know they can only lose as much as they put in
Finance & unlimited liability:
cannot use share capital
unlimited liability may limit the number of people they can persuade to invest and amount of money they can get of investors
some sources of finance may be more willing as they know that they are likely to get their money back even if the owners have to sell personal assets