2.4.2 Capacity Utilistation

Cards (6)

  • capacity - a measure of how much output a business can achieve in a given period (dynamic - changes depending on demand)
  • capacity utilisation - the percentage of a business' capacity that is actually being used over a specific period
  • Uses of capacity utilisation:
    • useful measure of productive efficiency
    • shows if there are idle resources in the business
    • high level of capacity utilisation is required if there is a high break even point
    • higher capacity = lower average costs
    • usually aim to be at 100%capacity utilisation to minimise costs
  • Improving capacity utilisation:
    • promotion/reducing prices to increase demand
    • lease capacity to other businesses
    • have seasonal staff/make staff redundant
    • sell assets
    • increase sales/usage
  • Working at a high capacity:
    • lower unit costs - able to be more competitive
    • profit margins could increase
    • economies of scale
    • can't meet surges in demand
    • workers may be over worked
    • rushed production can mean a lower quality product
  • over-utilisation - working at 100% capacity all of the time