GENETIC DIVERSITY: the total number of different alleles of genes in a species or population. The differences in DNA.
- early estimates of genetic diversity were made by looking at the frequency of measurable or observable characteristics in a population. Since different alleles determine different characteristics, a wide variety Of each characteristic in a population indicates a high number of different alleles, so a high genetic diversity.
- During speciation (one species gives rise to another species during evolution) the DNA of the new species will initially be very similar to that of the species that gave rise to it. Due to mutations, the sequences of nucleotide bases in the DNA of the new species will change. Consequently, over time, the new species will accumulate more + more differences in its DNA. As a result, we would expect species that are more closely related to show more similarity in their DNA base sequences than species that are more distantly related.
- As there are millions of base sequences in every organism, DNA contains a vast amount of information about the genetic diversity and evolutionary history or all organisms
- We now use gene technology to measure genetic diversity directly by comparing sequences (DNA, mRNA, AA). These new technologies can be used to give more accurate estimates of genetic diversity within a population (or species) than can be made by just looking at the frequency of observable characteristics. They also allow the genetic diversity of different species to be compared more easily.