
Cards (10)

  • The Great Depression
    A time in the 1930s when the economy was very bad and many people were unemployed.
  • Totalitarian Regimes
    Governments that control every part of people's lives.
  • Allied Powers
    Countries like the U.S, Britain and the Soviet Union that fought against the Axis in WW2
  • Axis Powers
    Countries like Germany, Italy and Japan that fought against the Allies in WW2.
  • World War ll
    A major global war from 1939- 1945.
  • Fascism
    A strict government with one leader that controls everything.
  • Nationalism
    Pride in and loyalty to one's nation
  • Appeasement
    Giving in to demands to avoid conflict.
  • Pearl Harbour
    The surprise attack by Japan on the U.S naval base in Hawaii on December 7, 1941, which led to the U.S entering the war.
  • Nazi Party
    The political party led by Adolf Hitler that ruled Germany and implemented fascist polices during war.