most of land surface is well mapped; analysis of surface geology maps suggest what lies below surface (especially in areas where older crustal rocks bought to surface by earth movements/exposed by erosion)
from this we know upper continental crust is varied showing a range of sedimentary/igneous/metamorphic rocks (with overall granitic composition)
Volcanic magma from depth (Direct):
magma originates in lower crust/upper mantle carrying up samples of rock from these layers to surface (eg. composition of upper mantle estimated by chemical analysis of basalt lavas and their volatiles)
igneous material in volcanic pipes occansionally includes diamonds; crystallise under high pressures in upper mantle (250km depth) + enclosing igneous Kimberlite includes mantle xenoliths of peridotite + magma carries up fragments of country rock from walls of deep volcanic vents
Volcanic magma from depth (Direct):
Kimberlite pipes are result of explosive volcanism from deep mantle sources; within 2km of surface, highly pressurised magma explodes upwards/expands to form conical vents + Kimberlites are fine, ultramafic igneous rocks.
Mines/Boreholes (Direct):
direct access to higher levels of crust through mines; drainage, ventilation, temperatures and lifting ore to surface limit depth of mines (deepest mines penetrate 4km of crust)
boreholes penetrate deeper; samples of rock/microfossils can be brought up from boreholes and remote sensing undertaken (deepest oil well penetrates 10km into crust)
Deep Boreholes (Direct):
Project Mohole (1961-66); American enterprise aimed to drill through thin oceanic crust into mantle off Mexico + reached depth of 183m where core samples of basalt taken + abandoned due to cost/failed to reach Moho.
Kola Superdeep Borehole (1970-94); Russian project aimed to drill item through thicker continental crust on Kola Peninsula + one braching borehole reached 12,262m depth (1/3 into crust) + 300oC temperatures made rock plastic and drill ineffective.
Ophiolite Suites (Direct):
during collisions between lithospheric plates, sections of oceanic crust may be broken off and thrust onto edge of continental plates (ophiolites then exposed by erosion)
section of ancient oceanic crust can be examined on land without borehole through ocean floor - peridotite at base of ophiolite sequence from upper mantle
if structure of ophiolite sequence returned to original undeformed orientation, total thickness 7km (thickness of oceanic crust)
Ophiolite Suites (Direct):
eg. Ophiolites at Lizard Peninsula and Anglesey + Troodes Mountains, Cyprus; millions years old and similiar to modern ocean crust/upper mantle.
A) Pillow Lavas
B) dykes
C) Gabbro
D) Peridotite
Stony/Iron Meteorites (Indirect):
siderophiles within iron meteorites are equivalent to composition of core; not changed composition (formed 4560Ma) as not subject to weathering, metamorphism etc. (meteorite evidence suggest core is iron with some nickel)
meteorites account for rare siderophiles in crust (prevented from descending into solid rock); eg. iridium a rare/dense transition metal in crust (usually would descend) + iridium around impact crater implies extra-terrestrial origin, eg. K-T Boundary, New Mexico
stony meteorites represent silicate rocks of mantle
Geomagnetism (Indirect):
core made of iron/nickel (2 main magnetic metals) + inner core solid at 5700oC, and outer core liquid with temperature at mantle-core boundary of 3500oC (temperatures above Curie Point where materials lose magnetism)
earth's magnetism must be generated; temperature difference sets up convection currents within outer core + convecting mass of molten iron generates electricity/induces magnetism + balance between generation/destruction allow magnetic field
convection currents affected by earth's rotation
Mean Density Calculations (Indirect):
density of rocks of continental crust 2.7g/cm−3 and oceanic crust 2.9g/cm−3; density of core must be higher to balance lighter crust
on surface, density of iron 7.9g/cm−3 and nickel 8.9g/cm−3; at core these would be higher (at least 12g/cm−3 under extreme pressures)
by calibrating seismic wave velocities in rock of known physical properties, we can estimate densities for layers of Earth's interior (taking into account pressure/temperature)
Conductivity (Indirect):
Electromagnetic Surveys (EM) used to detect presence of fluids in subsurface rocks, eg. partial melting in upper mantle/below mid-ocean ridges means increase in conductivity of rock (can be mapped) + only 1-2% of partial melting can be detected (especially if magma hydrated)
Conduction - process which thermal energy is transferred through a substance with no overall movement of that substance (energy transferred atom to atom down thermal gradient).
Gravity (Indirect):
gravity anomalies used to investigate interior of Earth; typical variations on gravity value are 20 miligals
gravitational attraction depends on respective masses and square distance between them; value of gravity measured over area of dense rock (gabbro) is different from value over less dense rock (granite) -average is 9.81ms−2
Gravity Anomalies:
Latitute; earth slightly flattened at poles/bulges at equator due to earth's spin so poles slightly closer to centre of mass meaning gravity is slightly higher (98322>978100 miligals)
Altitude; if a location is 100m above sea level it is 100m further away from centre of earth so gravity value adjusted by adding 0.31 miligals every metre
Bouguer Anomaly; final value must account for extra 100m of mass above sea level (1 miligal per 10m subtracted from altitude anomaly to remove effect of mass)
Seismology (Indirect):
Seismic Waves - vibrations from earthquakes detected by seisometers; analysis of earthquake history has helped build a picture of earth's structure.
P (Primary)/S (Secondary) are seismic waves that travel through earth; when rock more rigid/incompressible they speed up + when rock more dense they travel slower (vibrations occur more frequently so more energy lost).
Changes in Velocity through Earth:
P/S waves slow down in asthenosphere as 1-5% partial melting reduces rock rigidity
P/S waves speed up through mantle as pressure increases/rock more incompressible
P waves slow at Gutenburg dicontinuity/2900km as enter liquid outer core where rigidity is low + S waves stop as cann't travel through liquid
at solid inner core/Lehmann discontinuity/5100km, P waves speed up as rigidity increased + S waves propogated at 90oto P waves
Shadow Zone:
large distances from focus at which P/S waves can't be detected; P waves (103-142o) + S waves (103-103o)
seismic P waves refracted at Gutenbury discontinuity marking edge of outer core + waves between 103-142o; P waves refracted and S waves stop (can't transmit through liquids) at discontinuity created zone with no body waves
beyond zone of 142o, S waves can't be detected (can't pass through liquid outer core) + P waves slow down due to loss of rigidity/incompressiblity in liquid out core