Can take the form of income received for work completed, bonuses, tips and commissions
Income varies throughout life but is highest between ages 25 to 64. Income levels are lower in early stages of life due to inexperience and lack of education and vice versa.
Some groups have fewer job opportunities and less access to higher-paid jobs leading to lower earnings. Glass ceilings are invisible barriers making it harder for women to work top paying jobs.
Cultural Background

Income distribution is strongly influenced by the length of time migrants have been in Australia.
Migrants from mainly English-speaking countries tend to earn higher incomes
Recent migrants from non-English speaking countries have lower income levels
Occupational Groups
Different jobs require different levels of education and skills
Wages differentials reflect skill and education levels required to perform jobs
Jobs requiring more skill/education and less appealing working conditions offer higher income levels
It is difficult to attract employees in isolated locations so higher wages are offered