Gender bias

Cards (21)

  • What is universality?
    The idea we can apply all findings to both genders
  • Why is it important there is rigorous testing across both genders?
    There are gender differences leading to gender bias
  • What is the effect of gender bias?
    Findings cannot be generalised
  • Who suggested Alpha and Beta bias as two general types of gender bias?
    Mustin and Maracek
  • What two general types of gender bias did Mustin and Maracek suggest?
    Alpha & Beta
  • What is Alpha bias?
    Exaggerating the differences between men and women
  • Alpha bias: Exaggerating the differences between men and women
  • What is Beta bias?
    Minimising the differences between men and women
  • Beta bias: Minimising the differences between men and women
  • What is Alpha bias an attempt to?
    Exaggerate or overestimate the differences between genders
  • What are the differences in Alpha bias typically presented as?
    Real and enduring differences between sexes
  • What are the differences in Alpha bias more likely to do for women?
    Devalue them
  • Can the differences in Alpha bias heighten the value of women?
  • What theory did Wilson come up with showing Alpha bias?
    Sociobiological theory of relationship formation
  • What is Wilson's Sociobiological theory of relationship formation?
    Male's sexual promiscuity is genetically determined whereas females who engage in the same are going against their nature
  • What is the possible implication of Alpha bias?
    Evolutionary approach suggests men are dominant and women are more parental - outdated as society has changed and evolutionary approach shouldn't justify gender differences
  • What is beta bias an attempt to?
    Minimise or underestimate differences between men and women
  • Who performed a study demonstrating beta bias?
  • What response is an example of beta bias?
    Fight or flight
  • Why is fight or flight an example of beta bias?
    Originally based exclusively on males, then females
  • What is the result of beta bias?
    We end up with an androcentric bias