Intro to neurology

Cards (16)

  • What are the components of the nervous system?
    Cervical spinal cord
    Cervical intumescence.
    Brachial plexus
    Thoracolumbar spinal cord.
    Lumbar intumescence
    Lumbar plexus.
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect smell?
    Cranial nerve I - Olfactory
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect vision?
    Cranial nerve II - Optic nerve
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect eye movements?
    Cranial nerve III - Oculomotor
    Cranial nerve IV - Trochlear
    Cranial nerve VI - Abducens
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect facial sensation and jaw movement?
    Cranial nerve V - Trigeminal
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect facial expression?
    Cranial nerve VII - Facial
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect hearing and balance?
    Cranial nerve VIII - vestibulocochlear
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect swallowing and PNS?
    Cranial nerve IX - Glossopharyngeal
    Cranial nerve X - Vagus
    Cranial nerve XI - Accessory.
  • What cranial nerve(s) effect tongue movement?
    Cranial nerve XII - Hypoglossal
  • Lesion localisation - forebrain
    Altered mental status
    Central blindness/ deafness
    Normal to paretic gait (large circles towards the side of the lesion).
    Abnormal postural reactions (contralateral).
    Abnormal movements/postures (head pressing/head yaw).
  • Lesion localisation - cerebellum
    Wide based stance
    Dysmetria (with normal strength)
    intention tremor (generalised and eyes).
    Extensor hypertonus.
  • Lesion localisation - Diencephalon
    UMN signs in all four limbs or contralateral.
    Metnal depression
    optic nerve deficits
    Endocrine/autonomic deficits.
  • Lesion localisation - midbrain
    UMN signs in all four limbs or contralateral
    Mental depression
    Ipsilateral occulomotor signs.
  • Lesion localisation - vestibular
    • Head tilt
    • Asymmetric ataxia
    • Nystagmus
    • Positional nystagmus
    • Decreased propioception
    • Paresis
    • Horner’s syndrome
    • Facial paralysis
    • Other cranial deficits.
    • Head tilt
    • Asymmetric ataxia
    • Nystagmus
    • Positional nystagmus
    • Horners
    • Facial paralysis
  • Efferent pathways - lower motor neurone
    Final common pathway for voluntary motor activity.
    Needed for reflexes
    Needed to maintain tone.
  • Efferent pathways - upper motor neurone
    Need for voluntary motor activity
    Not needed for reflexes.
    Not needed to maintain tone.