Made up of: House of Lords; 60 Lord Temporal (hereditary), includes 2 Archbishops and 24 Bishops (spiritual lords) nd House of Commons; 400 MPs
Elizabeth only called 10 parliaments (13 sessions) in a 45 year reign; far less than the 26 sessions in the first 30 years before 1558, an average of 3 years passed between each session with the longest break between being 26 years
Only 10% of MPs ever spoke in debates and only 47% of MPs voted, MPS did become more educated in Elizabeth’s reign - in 1553 only 26% of MPs had legal training, in 1593 this had risen to 44%, so were more able to question bills
Elizabeth's Parliaments averaged 33 acts per session (more than any other Tudor monarch); used Royal Veto 34 times to stop laws, only 5 were State Matters, others due to poorly worded legislation or as they weren't public interest
Year: 1559
Date: 25 Jan - 8 May
Key Issues: 1559 Religious Settlement and Start of reign supplies granted
Year: 1563-7
Date: 1st: 12 Jan - 10 April (63) 2nd: 30 Sept (66) - 2 Jan (67)
Key Issues: Pressure on Elizabeth over the succession and Supplies required for foreign policy v the Auld Alliance
Year: 1571
Date: 2 April - 29 May
Key Issues: Rising fear of Catholicism after the Northern Rising and the excommunication of Elizabeth by the Pope, also no supplies requested
Year: 1572-81
Date: 1st: 8 May - 30 June (72) 2nd: 8 Feb - 15 Mar (76)
Key Issues: Peace time supplies requested
Year: 1584-5
Date: 1st: 16 Jan - 18 Mar (81) 2nd: 23 Nov (84) - 23 Mar (87)
Key Issues: Concerns over the Queen’s safety, William of Orange assassinated and Babington Plot v Elizabeth
Year: 1586-7
Date: 29 Oct (86) - 23 Mar (85)
Key Issues: The fate of Mary, Queen of Scots
Year: 1589
Date: 4 Feb - 29 Mar
Key Issues: Supplies required to finance the Spanish War
Year: 1593
Date: 19 Feb - 10 April
Key Issues: Supplies required to finance the Spanish War
Year: 1597-8
Date: 24 Oct (97) - 9 Feb (98)
Key Issues: Supplies required to finance the Spanish War
Year: 1601
Date: 17 Oct - 19 Dec
Key Issues: Supplies required to finance the Spanish War and Monopolies Crisis
Some MPs felt Elizabeth should name a suitor to marry and produce an heir in order to secure the line of succession; signed petitions for it in 1559 and 1562
Some Puritans MPs were unhappy about the Religious Settlement; n 1576 the Puritan MP, Peter Wentworth, complained that MPs about lack of freedom of discussion and 1586 Antony Cope attempted to eliminate bishops
Towards the end of Elizabeth’s reign some MPs felt monopolies were unfair and were being abused; they protested against them in 1597-8 and 1601 and would not grant taxes until they had been withdrawn