Cards (9)

  • What are the ages defined as infancy?
    Ages 0-3
  • What are the physical developments during infancy?
    • Rolling and crawling as large muscle groups develop
    • Grasping and picking up objects with fingers as part of small muscle growth
  • What is one of the intellectual developments in infants?
    Infants pay attention to faces
  • How do infants demonstrate their ability to follow objects?
    They follow objects with their eyes
  • What can infants recognize at a distance?
  • What are the emotional developments during infancy?
    • Infants form bonds with adults and express more emotions around them
    • They show two emotional responses: attention and withdrawal
  • What type of bonds do infants form during social development?
    Special bonds with caring adults
  • How do infants explore their environment socially?
    By touching
  • In what way do infants engage with their caregivers?
    By looking and engaging within safe spaces