People in business

Subdecks (1)

Cards (35)

  • the entrepreneur - a person who sees a gap in the market and takes the initiative to set up a business for financial reward - both personal and financial risk
  • investors - gives money or capital to establish and help run the business to the entrepreneur
  • the employer - any person who hires others to work for them
  • an employee - any person that works for someone in return for a wage
  • manager - the person who is hired to run the business and ensure the objectives of the company are achieved
  • the producer - makes the finished product that is then sold to the customer
  • consumer - anyone that buys goods and services for their own personal use
  • service provider - a business that provides a range of essential services to ensure the smooth running of the business
  • ICTU - Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • IFA - Irish Farmers Association
  • IBEC - Irish Business and Employers Confederation
  • CAI - Consumers Association of Ireland