systematic procedure to ensure that the information/data gathered are complete, consistent and suitable for analysis.
Data collection
Data processing (coding, encoding, editing)
Data collection : gathered from defined and accurate sources so that the subsequent findings are valid and usable
data preparation : sorting and filtering raw data to remove unnecessary and inaccurate data
data input : converted into machine readable form and fed into the processing unit
data processing : subjected to various methods to generate a desirable output
data interpretation : transmitted and displayed to the user in a readable form
data storage : stored for further use
Manual - without using any machine or tool to get the required results
Mechanical - uses typewriters or mechanical printers
Electronic - uses computers softwares such as MS Excel, SPSS to collect and summarize data
Field Code: actual value or information given by the respondent
Bracket Code: recorded as range of values rather than actual values
Factual Code: codes are assigned to a list of categories of a given variable
Pattern Code: applicable for questions with multiple responses
set the Rules For Code Construction - coding categories should be exhaustive or mutually exclusive and independent
Pre-Coding Fixed-Alternative Questions (FAQs) - writing codes for FAQs on the questionnaire before the data collection
coding Open-Ended Questions
3-stage process: (1) Perform a test tabulation, (2) plan a coding scheme, (3) Code all responses
Maintaining a CodeBook - identifies each variable in a study, the variable's description, code name, and position in the data matrix
ProducingCode - physical activity of transferring the data from the questionnaire or data collection form [to the computer] after the data has been collected
CombiningEditing and Coding - the coding and editing is combined for further analysis
Rules in Code Construction
Number of rules must be kept to minimum (<8)
Codes should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive
Adopt coding convention for questions with similar answers
No response
Not applicable questions
Coding Manual
A document which contains a record of all codes assigned to the responses to all questions in the data collection forms
Minimum information that must be included in a coding manual
Variable name
Variable description
Coding instructions
Data Encoding
Entering the data/responses in a spreadsheet
MS Excel
MS Access
Epi Info
Data Editing
process of examining and adjusting the data collected in questionnaires to detect errors and omissions, legibility, consistency and readying them for coding and storage
detects errors and omissions, corrects them when possible and certifies that minimum data quality standards are achieved
performed during data collection, encoding, before data analysis
(1) Field Editing
done by enumerator or a field supervisor on the same data as the interview
reviewing the accomplished data collection forms
decoding of abbreviations or special symbols
making callbacks/messages for verification/clarification of incomplete answers
(2) Central Editing
also known as in house editing
done by the researcher or a central office staff after getting all the questionnaires/forms from the enumerator or respondents
checking of inconsistencies and incorrect entries after receiving the questionnaire from the field
more rigorous than filed editing
checking of encoded data
Importance of Data Editing
Make corrections as early as possible
Reduce non-response or incomplete answers
Eliminate inconsistencies, incorrect information
Make the entries clear, legible and comprehensive
Ensure uniformity
Prepare data for analysis
What to Check when editing Data?
Check for duplicate entries
Check the totals of each variable if the same as with the sample size
For qualitative data, check if categories are consistent with what is specified in the coding manual
For quantitative data, check the minimum and maximum if they are logical given the possible values of variable
Data Coding
conversion of verbal/writteninformation into numbers which can be more easily encoded, counted and tabulated
process of identifying, classifying and assigning each answers with some symbols (alphabetical or numerals) so that the responses can be recorded into a limited number of classes or categories