Cards (46)

  • What cavity is the highlighted area?
    pericardial cavity
  • What is the region of the highlighted part?
    left inguinal region
  • What is the region of the highlighted part?
    gluteal region
  • What region is this?
    lumbar region
  • What region is this?
    auricular region
  • What quadrant is the highlighted part?
    left lower quadrant
  • What regions is this?
    temporal region
  • What region is this?
    epigastric region
  • What region is this?
    vertebral region
  • What is highlighted?
    abdominopelvic cavity
  • What is the highlighted?
    sural region
  • What is the highlighted?
    parietal region
  • What is the highlighted part?
    perineal region
  • What region is this?
    umbilical region
  • What is the highlighted part?
    sacral region
  • What is this region?
    buccal region
  • What region is this?
    deltoid region
  • What is this region?
    antebrachial region
  • What region is this?
    hypogastric region
  • What is the highlighted part?
    visceral layer of serous pericardium
  • What are the organs in right hypochondriac region?
    1. ascending colon
    2. gallbladder
    3. right kidney
    4. liver
    5. small intestine
    6. transverse colon
  • What are the organs in epigastric region?
    1. stomach
    2. liver
    3. pancreas
    4. left and right kidney
    5. left and right adrenal glands
    6. transverse colon
    7. small intestine
    8. spleen
    9. esophagus
  • What are the organs in left hypochondriac region?
    1. descending colon
    2. left kidney
    3. liver
    4. pancreas
    5. small intestine
    6. spleen
    7. stimach
    8. transverse colon
  • What are the organs in right lumbar region?
    1. liver
    2. small intestine
    3. ascending colon
    4. right kidney
    5. gallbladder
  • What are the organs in umbilical region?
    1. cisterna chyli
    2. right and left kidneys
    3. right and left ureters
    4. stomach
    5. pancreas
    6. transverse colon
    7. small intestine
  • What are the organs in left lumbar region?
    1. left kidney
    2. descending colon
    3. small intestine
  • What are the organs in right iliac region?
    1. small intestine
    2. appendix
    3. cecum and ascending colon
    4. right ovary
    5. right fallopian tube
  • What are the organs in hypogastric region?
    1. prostrate
    2. rectum
    3. right and left fallopian tubes
    4. right and left ovaries
    5. right and left ureters
    6. seminal vessicle
    7. sigmoid colon
    8. small intestine
    9. urinary bladder
    10. uterus
    11. vas deferens
  • What are the organs in left iliac region?
    1. left fallopian tube
    2. left ovary
    3. small intestine
    4. descending colon
    5. sigmoid colon
  • Label the regions.
    A) frontal region
    B) auricular region
  • Label the region.
    A) cranial
  • Label the regions.
    A) facial
    B) occipital
  • Label the region.
    A) mental region
    B) nasal region
  • Label the region.
    A) oral
    B) orbital
  • Label the regions.
    A) parietal
    B) temporal
  • Label the region.
    A) zygomatic
    B) buccal
  • Label the regions.
    A) anterior cervical
    B) lateral cervical
  • Label the regions.
    A) sternocleidomastoid
    B) posterior cervical
  • Label the regions.
    A) back region
    B) scapular region
    C) vertebral region
    D) sacral region
    E) lumbar region
  • Label the regions.
    A) femoral region
    B) patellar region
    C) leg region