A biological catalyst that increases the rate of reaction by lowering the reactions activation energy
intracellular enzymes
enzymes that work inside a cell
example of an intracellular enzyme
H2O2 -> H2O + O2
H2O2 in cells
comes from metabolic reactions
Is an oxidising agent that slowly damages cells
extracellular enzyme
An enzyme that works outside of cells
examples of extracellular enzymes
starch -> maltose
proteins -> amino acids
Amylase is produced in
salivary glands and the pancreas
amylase is released into
The mouth and small intestines
the molecule an enzyme attaches to
the molecule produced from an enzyme reaction
structure of an enzyme
globular protein
Made of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids
Active site
Active site
Where the substrate binds to an enzyme
Its tertiary structure is complimentary making enzymes specific to molecules
how are enzymes water soluble?
Covered in hydrophilic amino acids
enzyme substrate complex
A temporary molecule formed when an enzyme and substrate bind
How to an enzyme and substrate bind
The amino acids of the enzyme form temporary bonds with the substrate molecule
enzyme product complex
A temporary molecule formed after the enzyme reaction but before the product is released
Lock and key model
Only 1 specific substrate can fit into a complimentary enzymes active site. the shape of the substrate and active site and the angle that the substrate collides with the active site must be perfect as the active site cannot change shape
Problems with lock and key model
Very difficult for a perfect substrate enzyme collision
Does not explain how some enzymes are more efficient than others
induced fit model
When an enzyme approaches its specific substrate the active site changes shape slightly the better fit the substrate and pull it in.
How does temperature affect enzyme activity?
Gives molecules more kinetic energy leading to faster movement and more collisions between enzymes and substrate increasing the chance of a successful collision and the overall rate of reaction
Temperature effect on enzyme rate
A) inactive
B) optimum
C) denatured
D) vmax
when an enzyme is too cold it
becomes inactive as there is little kinetic energy so fewer collisions reducing the rate of reaction meaning not all substrate will react
when an enzyme is too hot it
dentures as the active site looses its tertiary structure so is unable to react decreasing the rate of reaction so less product is formed
enzyme temperature rate of reaction is measured using
Q10 equation
Q10 equation
rate of reaction at x + 10 temperature / rate of reaction at x temperature
what is pH
the concentration of H+ in a solution
what bonds to H+ affect?
Affect of pH on enzyme rate graph
A) denature
B) optimum
C) denature
when enzymes get too cold they do not
when enzymes are at a too high ( basic ) pH what occurs
there are no H+ for the tertiary structure of the enzyme to interact with so its looses its shape and active site making it unable to react decreasing the rate of reaction
when enzymes are at an optimum pH what occurs?
The enzymes tertiary structure interacts with H+ holding its structure
when enzymes are at a too high pH ( alkali ) what occurs?
The H+ interact with the polar and charged amino acids and the tertiary bonds destroying the tertiary structure and active site of the enzyme making it no longer able to react decreasing the rate of reaction
how does enzyme / substrate concentration affect enzymes rate of reaction?
the rate will increase as there is either more availability for substrates to be broken down or more substrate to be broken down ( if there is no limiting reactant )
Affect of concentration on enzyme rate
A) vmax
if there is a limitingconcentration of substrate / enzyme what happens to the enzyme rate of reaction?
If all active sites are occupied or all substrate is already in an enzyme - substrate complex the rate will begin to level out
a chemical that binds to an enzyme to reduce its rate of reaction
allosteric site
a binding site on an enzyme for chemicals that are not substrate
competitive inhibitors
bind to the active site which means substrate is unable to bind and react
non competitive inhibitors
bind to the allosteric site changing the shape of the active site meaning it is no longer complimentary to its specific substrate
reversible inhibitors
form weak bonds with the enzyme but its effects can be removed by adding more substrate ( if the enzyme is also competitive )