anatomy and physiology intro

Cards (28)

  • anatomy - this examines the relationship between the structure of a body.
  • anatomy came from the greek word ana which means up and tome which means cutting.
  • anatomy - cutting up or dissecting and separating the body parts of the body.
  • What subdivision of the anatomy is the study of the large structures of the human that can be seen through naked eyes?
    gross/macroscopic anatomy
  • What is the study of smaller structures and fine details?
    microscopic anatomy
  • What is the study of cells?
  • What is the study of tissues?
  • What is the study of structures that emerge from the time of the fertilized egg through eighth week in utero?

  • What is the study of the anatomical features that can be studied without dissecting?
    surface anatomy
  • What is the anatomy of the systems of the body?
    systemic anatomy
  • What is the study of the specific regions of the body?
    regional anatomy
  • What is the study of comparing the atomic structures of different animals?
    comparative anatomy
  • What is the study of tissues or organs based on the visualization from x-ray films?
    radiographic anatomy
  • What is the study of changes in the structure or appearance of organs or tissues?
    pathological anatomy
  • What is the study of external features, such as bony projections, whoch serves as landmarks for locating deeper structures called?
    surface anatomy
  • What is the study when a special tool is needed to see the internal structures?
    anatomical imaging
  • physiology - deals with the processes or functions of living things or organs.
  • What is the study of humans?
    human physiology
  • What is the study of the process inside the cells?
    cellular physiology
  • What is the study that focuses on the functions of organ systems?

    systemic physiology
  • What is the study of functional properties of nerve cells?
  • What is the study of chemical regulators in the blood flow and how the control body functions?
  • What is the study of the functions of the heart and its blood vessels?
    cardiovascular physiology
  • What is the study on the respiratory system functions?
    respiratory physiology
  • What is the study of the function of the kidneys?
    renal physiology
  • What is the study of the body's responses to physical activity?
    exercise physiology
  • What is the study of disordered physiological processes associated with disease, injury, or aging?
  • What is the study on how a disease started?