Lesson 1.3: The Social Sciences

Cards (37)

  • What are the main disciplines covered in Lesson 3 of the social sciences?
    Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science
  • What does sociology focus on?
    • Human interaction
    • Social structures
    • Societal change
  • What is the aim of sociology?
    To understand the relationship between individuals and society
  • Who are some key figures in sociology and their contributions?
    • Auguste Comte: Positivism
    • Harriet Martineau: Ethnography
    • Karl Marx: Materialism
    • Emile Durkheim: Functionalism
    • Max Weber: Rationalization
  • Who is considered the founder of sociology?
    Auguste Comte
  • What is the Law of Three Stages proposed by Comte?
    It states that societies evolve through theological, metaphysical, and positive stages
  • What does positivism advocate for in sociology?
    Scientific methods in studying society
  • What role did Harriet Martineau play in sociology?
    She pioneered ethnographic research and advocated for social reform
  • How did Martineau connect economic factors to social conditions?
    By being influenced by political economy
  • What is the materialist conception of history proposed by Karl Marx?
    It emphasizes economic factors as drivers of social change
  • What did Marx focus on regarding social class?
    The struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat
  • What did Marx advocate for to overcome inequality?
    A socialist society
  • Who established sociology as an academic field?
    Emile Durkheim
  • What are social facts according to Durkheim?
    Elements of society that have a reality independent of individuals
  • How did Durkheim explain social structures and institutions?
    In terms of their functions for society
  • What concept did Max Weber analyze in modern society?
    The increasing influence of rationality
  • What did Weber study regarding bureaucracy?
    The impact of bureaucracy on individuals and society
  • What is interpretive sociology according to Weber?
    It emphasizes understanding the subjective meanings people attach to social actions
  • What is the focus of anthropology?
    • Initially focused on non-Western cultures
    • Evolved into the study of human societies and cultures
    • Seeks to understand diverse cultures and their development
  • Who is known as the father of American anthropology?
    Franz Boas
  • What principle did Boas advocate for in anthropology?
    Cultural relativism
  • What does historical particularism emphasize?
    The unique development of each culture
  • What stance did Boas take on racial hierarchy?
    He strongly opposed biological bases for racial hierarchy
  • What fieldwork method did Bronislaw Malinowski develop?
    Participant observation
  • What is the focus of ethnography according to Malinowski?
    Detailed descriptions and analysis of cultures
  • How did Malinowski view cultural elements?
    As contributing to the functioning of a society
  • What concept did Alfred Radcliffe-Brown introduce in anthropology?
    Structural functionalism
  • How did Radcliffe-Brown view society?
    As a system of interconnected parts
  • What did Radcliffe-Brown focus on in his studies?
    The underlying patterns of social relationships
  • What does political science study?
    • Power, government, and politics
    • Collective decision-making within societies
    • Impact of decisions on individuals and groups
  • What are the historical roots of political science?
    Ancient philosophy and modern political thought
  • How has political science evolved over time?
    From state-centric to pluralist and behavioral approaches
  • What are the core concepts in political science?
    • Democracy
    • Citizenship
    • Political ideology
  • What is the contemporary focus of political science?
    • Diverse approaches including critical theory
    • Empirical analysis addressing pressing social issues
  • How do anthropology, sociology, and political science compare?
    • All are foundational disciplines in social sciences
    • Each offers unique perspectives on human society and behavior
    • They differ in focus, methods, and core questions
  • What methods do sociologists use to analyze social trends?
    • Quantitative methods
    • Qualitative methods
  • What methods do political scientists employ to analyze political phenomena?
    • Empirical methods
    • Statistical analysis
    • Comparative studies