Lesson 1.6: Society as an Objective Reality

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  • What is the origin of the word "society"?
    It comes from the Latin word "societas," derived from "socius" meaning comrade, friend, or ally.
  • How is society defined?
    Society is a group of individuals with interconnected relationships and shared norms.
  • What can society refer to?
    It can refer to both interconnected human groups and smaller, more specific groups like families.
  • How is society characterized in terms of organization?
    It is defined as an organization of groups that is relatively self-contained.
  • What does methodological individualism emphasize?
    It emphasizes the importance of understanding social phenomena by analyzing the actions and choices of individual actors.
  • What is the reductionist approach in methodological individualism?
    It reduces collective behaviors and social outcomes to the aggregation of individual decisions and interactions.
  • What is a critique of methodological individualism?
    It overlooks the importance of structural factors and collective action.
  • What does sociological realism argue about society?
    It argues that society is a unique entity, distinct from individuals, and exerts an objective influence over them.
  • What is emphasized in sociological realism regarding societal structures?
    It emphasizes the understanding of society as a whole, rather than as a mere collection of individuals.
  • What is a critique of sociological realism?
    It may overlook the agency of individuals and their ability to shape social structures.
  • What did Durkheim emphasize regarding social facts?
    Durkheim emphasized the objective existence of social facts and their influence on individual behavior.
  • How did Durkheim use suicide in his argument?
    He used suicide as a case study to demonstrate the influence of social facts on individual behavior.
  • What influences individual behavior according to Durkheim?
    The level of social solidarity and regulation within a society influences individual behavior and the likelihood of suicide.
  • What is anomie?
    Anomie is a state of normlessness that can occur when social regulation is weak or absent.
  • What is the objective existence of social institutions?
    Social institutions, like family, have an objective reality that constrains individual behavior.
  • What is social reproduction and why is it important?
    • Social reproduction refers to how societies manage to persist.
    • It is essential for a society to support its own existence.
  • Who coined the term "reproduction" in the context of social persistence?
    French philosopher Louis Althusser.
  • What institutions are required for social reproduction?
    • Creation of institutions that perpetuate society's existence.
    • Essential for the reproduction of social life.
  • What are the two types of institutions for social reproduction?
    1. Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs):
    • Shape beliefs, values, and ideologies.
    • Examples: schools, churches, media.
    1. Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs):
    • Maintain social order through force or threat.
    • Examples: police, military, prisons.
  • What are Talcott Parsons' four prerequisites for social reproduction?
    Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency.
  • What does adaptation refer to in Parsons' prerequisites?
    Societies must adapt to their environment.
  • What does goal attainment refer to in Parsons' prerequisites?
    Societies must set and achieve goals.
  • What does integration refer to in Parsons' prerequisites?
    Societies must maintain social order.
  • What does latency refer to in Parsons' prerequisites?
    Societies must preserve values and beliefs.