anatomical directional terms

Cards (16)

  • medial - towards the middle
  • medial - away from the sides
  • lateral - away from the midline
  • superior - above or toward the head, aka cranial
  • inferior - below or away from the head, aka caudal
  • proximal - towards the attachment point or the trunk
  • distal - away from the attachment of the body or trunk
  • anterior - in front of the body, toward the front of the body, toward the front of the head, aka ventral
  • posterior - back off the body, toward the back of the body, akd dorsal
  • superficial - towards the body surface or closer to the surface
  • deep - away from the surface or farther from the surface
  • unilateral - one-side of the body
  • bilateral - two sides of the body
  • ipsilateral - on the same side of the body
  • contralateral - opposite side of the body, opposite side of the brain, opposite side of the body part
  • intermediate - in between of two organs