seismic gap is segment of active fault thats not slipped for a long time compared to other segments along same structure
over long periods of time, displacement on any segment must be equal to that experienced on other parts of fault
large/long-standing gap is considered to be fault segment most likely to suffer from future earthquakes
eg. Parkfield, California on San Andreas Fault; 1857-1966, 6 magnitude 6 earthquakes occured every 22yrs so predicted event between 1983-1993
Seismic Velocity:
P-wave velocites from minor tremors (<2) decrease some time in advance of major events then rise immediately before it (duration of P-wave anomaly related to magnitude)
from evidence a graph can be drawn to predict magnitude of event, eg. 1973 Blue Mountain Lake, New York - may not be accurate as only collectes limited evidence
Seismic Velocity:
water saturated rocks under stress increase in volume before fracture (opening up of micro-cracks increase porosity)
water migrates into micro-cracks/water pressure reduces temporarily reducing P-wave velocities until water moves in rock restoring porewater pressure
length of time to restore pressure indicator of magnitude + major earthquake occurs shortly after porewater pressure restored
Pattern of Foreshocks:
foreshocks are tremors of at least M2.5 on Richter-Scale and take place prior to mainshock M5.4 or greater on Richter-Scale
50% of major earthquakes preceded by foreshocks + 5-10% of small earthquakes are foreshocks (lead to false warnings)
East Pacific Rise transform fault show foreshock activity before main event
eg. increase in foreshock activity enabled successful evacuation of 1 million people day before Feb 4th 1975 M7.3 Haicheng Earthquake by China State Seismological Bureau
Groundwater Levels:
gradual lowering of water levels over a period of months/years before a seismic event
accelerated lowering of water levels in final few months/weeks proceeding earthquakes + rebound where water levels increase rapidly few days/hours before main shock
water levels need to be adjusted for tidal cycles/seasonal variations in water abstraction
eg. China, 100+ wells >1000m deep to moniter groundwater
Groundwater Levels:
eg. Tangshan Mine; 1923-73, stable groundwater level + 1973 onwards, pumping rate decreased + 2 days-3hrs before M7.6 event (killed 240,000-650,000) pumping rates suddenly increased from 25 to 75m3/sec−1
Groundwater Temperatures:
water temperature monitered to +/- 0.0001oC accuracy (deep wells suitable as protected from rainfall/seasonal effects)
eg. day before 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan (M7.9), geysers became active at Atami Hot Springs
in Japan, monitering at USA Volcanic Region showed 0.3oC increase over 6months then decrease immediately before seismic event
Groundwater Chemistry:
chemical composition of groundwater affected by seismic events; levels of chloride/sulphate in solution monited in Kobe June 1993-Jan 1995; June 1993-July 1994, chloride/sulphate levels constant (13.7-14.1ppm) + July 1994-Jan 1995, steady rise to 15ppm + Kobe Earthquake (M7.2) occurred 17th Jan 1995
not useful for predictionas levels didn't peak until end of Feb 1995, decreasing through March to former levels
Ground Deformation:
prior to earthquake, ground is uplifted/tilted due to swelling of rocks caused by strain building up on fault
involves measuring small changes in ground level using Tiltmeters, Strainmeters, Creepmeters, GPS and Laser EDMs (Electronic Distance Measurers)
eg. Rapel Reservoirs, Chile 3rd March 1985 (M7.9); 8 months prior, levels measures show differences due to tilting (maximum tilt 13cm over 20km baseline)
Radon Gas:
stress released as micro-fractures open in rocks at depth (groundwater flows in) - radon trapped within rock escapes through micro-fractures into groundwater solution or as CO2 released from stresses it acts as carrier for radon
increased levels of radon gas precursor to earthquake - can be monitored in deep springs/wells (short half-life so unlikely to seep to surface from rocks at depth)
Radon Gas:
eg. Kobe, Japan (M7.2); during 1993, radon gas levels stable at 20Bq/L + end of Nov 1994, levels increased to 60Bq/L + Jan 1995, rapid increase to 250 Bq/L, levels dropped to 30 Bq/L 7 days before event
Electrical Resistivity:
is the resistance to flow of an electrical current; rocks poor conductors of electricity (water more efficient)
micro-cracks develop, groundwater flows into these cracks causing electrial resistivity to decrease (conductivity increases)
5-10% drop in resistivity observed prior to earthquake + values rapidly return to normal after seismic event