occur on steep slopes, and blocks of rock are broken away along weaknesses like joints/bedding planes
under normal conditions, only a small number of blocks fall at one time but large falls may be triggered by an earthquake
occur along one or more failure surfaces; a rotational slide moves downwards and outwards along a curved slip surface (horizontal distance moved relatively short due to curved movement + damage severe, but not widespread)
translational slides can cover larger areas as rock mass moves down/out and continues as far force/slope allow (if material becomes deformed, the result is a debris slide)
Debris Flow:
moving material behaves like a fluid; material ranges in size from huge boulders (debris flow) to clay grains (mudflow)
loose unconsolidated sediment is susceptible after heavy rain or earthquake shaking
Angle of Slope (increase shear strength):
an increase in slope angle (especially at slope base) results from natural erosional processes or human activity (eg. road building at cliff-base); steeper slope = greater effectiveness of gravity, making collaspe more likely
granite/limestone will hold a vertical slope without collaspsing + sand/clays are only stable if slope is at a low angle
loose/unconsolidated rocks more prone to collaspe + weaker rocks on top of stronger rocks prone to sliding over underlying strata
Weathering (decrease shear strength):
weathering processes break down rock minerals into new clay and other minerals which expand when water is present
as rock weathering continues, the proportion of these clay minerals will increase in some rock types
(decrease shear strength); overlying material removed by mass movement so material below under less weight + expansion occurs opening up cracks increasing porosity
(increase shear strength); additional weight on slope from increase water content (sedimentary rocks, porosity 10-30%) + if filled with water, weight increase greatly
Groundwater Regime (decrease shear strength):
burrowing animals/development of soil pipes by throughflow of water weakens slope material; increase in groundwater from heavy rainfall make areas vulnerable to landslides
Rainfall (decrease shear strength):
increasing water content of slope materials; reduces internal cohesion/friction + water trapped in rock/sediment pores, under pressure from material above
more compression/higher water content = higher pore-water pressure (can lift up sediment and start movement)
Ground Vibration (increase shear strength):
shocks/vibrations from an earthquake or heavy machinery; vibrations from earthquakes/volcanoes frequently trigger landslides (cause greatest damage where silts/clays undergo liquefaction)
Vegetation Cover (decrease shear strength):
removal of vegetation result of wildfires/human activity (overgrazing, building and deforestation) causes looser surface material due to loss of roots; slope vulnerable as trees intercept rainfall and bind soil/rock particles
Slope Monitoring:
Ground Levelling/Surveying - surveyors used a Theodolite to measure distances and angles to monitor slopes.
Micro-Seismic Events - slopes are monitored for minor earthquakes with magnitudes 1-3 using an array of geophones linked to a central computer.
Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) - involves a laser beam measuring the distance between fixed points on a slope.
Slope Monitoring:
Borehole Distortion - water level in boreholes constantly monitored + porewater pressure measured using piezometer + extensometer measures variation in movement of unconsolidated material at depth.
GPS - aerial photographs/satellite imagery can be viewed at regular intervals and changes over time identified + satellites used to measure distance of a fixed point from the satellite.
Slope Monitoring:
Ground Deformation (creepmeters, strainmeters, tiltmeters) - tiltmeters are anchored to slope and measure change in slope angle + creep/strainmeters fixed to bedrock across faults and joints/cleavages; strainmeters record changes in stress across weakness + creepmeters measure distance moved.
Groundwater Pressures - porewater pressure measured using piezometer.
Drainage Control (Slope Management):
drainage increases shear strength of materials by reducing porewater pressure + drains improve water movement out of rock preventing saturation/decreasing risk of landslide event
also lowers water table so rocks at height that are saturated with water have time to dry out/strengthen (slope more stable)
Retaining Structures (walls, gabions, rocks bolts/anchors and wire fences):
material deposited at slope foot reduces the shear stress + retaining walls are used to stabilise upper slope (eg. steel-mesh curtain)
toe of slope stabilised by a retaining wall + upper slope may have rock anchors/meshcurtains + shotcrete used to reduce infiltration into slope
toe stablised by gabions/earth fill + rocks bolts used to stabilise slope by securing joints/cleavages
Regrading Slopes/Terracing (Slope Management):
terracing (benches) regrades the slope to produce more stable angles + other slopes are regraded to reduce slope angle making a mass movement event less likely