
Cards (24)

  • What is the term for strategies developed by animals to survive in the desert?
  • Why can very few large animals survive in the desert?
    They cannot store sufficient water
  • What is an exception to the rule of large animals surviving in the desert?
    The camel
  • How long can a camel go without water?
    A week or more
  • What do camels store in their humps?
  • What adaptations do camels have to protect their eyes?
    Thick eyebrows and long eyelashes
  • How do camels prevent sand from entering their nostrils?
    They can close their nostrils
  • What allows camels to eat prickly plants in the desert?
    Thick lips
  • What is a common behavior of many desert animals to avoid daytime heat?
    Being nocturnal
  • What does the Sidewinder Rattlesnake do during the day?
    Buries itself in the sand
  • When is the desert tortoise active?
    At dawn and dusk
  • What do desert tortoises dig to escape heat?
    Burrows leading to underground chambers
  • Which animals also burrow underground to escape the sun?
    The Tarantula and Kangaroo Rat
  • How does the Kangaroo Rat obtain water?
    From plants and seeds it eats
  • How do many desert insects avoid the sun?
    By moving around twigs for shade
  • How have the bodies of many desert animals evolved?
    To adapt to desert conditions
  • Why are many desert animals paler than their relatives in moderate climates?
    To absorb less heat
  • What adaptation do Jackrabbits have for heat loss?
    Long ears
  • How do Jackrabbits lose heat during hot conditions?
    By holding their ears upright
  • What do Jackrabbits do when it gets cold at night?
    Hold their ears close to their body
  • What do some animals do during the summer to avoid high temperatures?
    They become dormant
  • Which animals are mentioned as being dormant during summer?
    Squirrels and the Desert Tortoise
  • What adaptation do reptiles have to retain moisture?
    Waterproof skin
  • What do reptiles produce instead of urine to conserve moisture?
    Uric acid