Caregiver-infant interactions

Cards (5)

  • Caregiver – infant interactions-
    Reciprocity- turn taking of actions between the baby and primary care giver.
    Interactional synchronicity- in unison, same action simultaneously.
  • Caregiver-infant interactions
    Isabella (1989)-
    • 30 mothers and babies observed
    • Assessing synchronicity so that high levels = high quality attachment.
  • Caregiver- infant interactions
    Meltzoff and Moore (1977)-
    • Recorded and observed from 2 weeks old infants.
    • Adults making faces/gestures, infants recorded and give labels from independent observers.
    • Found that babies showed interactional synchrony from 3 weeks.
  • Caregiver-infant interactions
    S- Recorded allows other psychologists to view the same experiment and give their own opinions, so has inter-rather reliability.
    W- Hard to interpret babies behaviour, so you can’t be certain the behaviours have special meaning.
  • Caregiver-infant interactions
    CPS- Isabella et al (1989) getting to interactional synchronicity predicts the development of good quality attachment.
    CPW- Feldman (2007) – synchrony is an observed pattern and random so can’t give the reason for them.