Government Failure

Cards (8)

  • what is government failure?
    government intervention in the economy leads to a misallocation of resources
  • what are the causes of gov failure?
    • price signal distortion
    • unintended consequences
    • excessive administrative costs
    • information gaps
  • what is distortion of price signals?
    gov subsidies could distort price signals by distorting free market mechanism = inefficient allocation of resources as the market is not able to act freely
  • what are unintended consequences?
    consumers can react in an unexpected way to policies = more expensive for the policies to be implemented
  • what are administrative costs?
    the cost of the gov intervening in markets e.g implementing new policies
  • how does inadequate info lead to gov failure?
    some policies may be decided without perfect info = decided upon assumptions = cost - benefit analysis is needed which is time consuming + expensive
  • how can inadequate info affect the market?
    economic agents decision making is flawed
  • how does conflicting objectives lead to market failure?
    people appointed to represent the public may prioritise their own self interests over social welfare as they exploit the power they have