Cards (9)

  • Self-disclosure
    We love to learn as much as we can about our new partner and the more we learn, the more we seem to like them. By revealing ourselves to another person, we shared what really matters to us better and us them.
  • The role of self-disclosure
    Self-disclosure has a vital role in relationships beyond the initial attraction and most people are careful about what they disclose at the beginning.
  • Social penetration theory

    Self-disclosure is a major concept of Altman and Taylor's social penetration theory of how relationships are developed. It is the gradual process of revealing your inner self, giving away your deepest thoughts/feelings. In, romantic relationships, it involves the reciprocal exchange of information between intimimate partners.
  • Trust
    As partners increasingly disclose more and share more information to eachother, romantic partners 'penetrate' more deeply into eachother's lives, gaining understanding of eachother. Doing so means a relationships has reached a certain stage of trust/reciprocity.
  • Bredth and Depth of self disclosure

    According to Altman and Taylor, self-disclosure has two elements, bredth and depth. As both of these increase, romantic partners become more commited to eachother.
  • Initial stages of a relationship
    At first, we disclose lots of information about ourselves but it's superficial- information you could reveal to anyone like 'low risk information'. Bredth of the self-discloure is narrow as many topics are 'off limits'. If really personal information is revealed too soon, a response of 'too much information' may further endanger the relationship.
  • Progress of relationships
    As the relationship progresses, self-disclosure becomes deeper, progressively removing more and more layers to reveal our true selves, encompassing a wider range of topics that matter most to us. Eventually, we are prepared to share 'high risk' ,intimate information: painful memories, experiences and secrets.
  • Reciprocity of self-disclosure

    Reis and Shaver state that for a relationship to develop, as well as an increase in bredth/depth, there needs to be a reciprocal element of disclosure.
  • Sharing leading to reciprocity
    Once you have decided to share something that reveals your true self, your partner will respond in a rewarding manner where they maybe respond with their own thoughts/feelings and are empathetic as there is a balance of self-disclosure between partners in a successful romantic relationship, which increases feelings of intimacy and deepens the relationship.