Jean Watson

Cards (11)

  • Theory of Human Caring - emphasizes the importance of the person as a whole
  • Real Name: Margaret Jean Harmon
  • Theory of Human Caring - underscored the need for a holistic approach in nursing that combines scientific and humanistic viewpoint
  • Caring - fundamental concept in nursing, which involves a deep, meaningful connection between the nurse and patient
  • Caring Moment - where both the nurse and the patient engage in a transformative interaction
  • 10 Carative Factor - mutual understanding, empathy, and connection between the nurse and patient
  • Person - a valued person in and of themselves to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted; in general, a person’s philosophical view as a fully functional integrated self
  • Nursing -a science of persons and health-illness experience mediated by professional, personal, scientific, and ethical care interactions.
  • Health - a high level of overall physical, mental, and social functioning, a general adaptive-maintenance level of daily functioning, the absence of illness, or the presence of efforts leading to the absence of illness.
  • Caring - essence of nursing
  • 10 Caritative Factor: (1.)forming humanistic-altruistic value systems (2) instilling faith-hope (3) cultivating a sensitivity to self and others (4) developing a helping-trust relationship (5) promoting an expression of feelings (6) using problem-solving for decision-making (7) promoting teaching-learning (8) promoting a supportive environment (9) assisting with the gratification of human needs (10) allowing for existential-phenomenological forces.