Caritative Caring Theory - focus on the idea of love and care as the central elements in nursing practice
Caring Ethics - practical relationship between the patient and the nurse
Nursing Ethics - ethical principles that guide a nurse's decision-making abilities
7 Categories of Caring Ethics: Dignity, Care Relationship, Invitation, Responsibility, Virtue, Obligation or Duty, Good and Evil
Person - based on the axiom that the human being is an entity of body, soul, and spirit
Caritas - Latin term meaning love or charity
Health - unity of the three components of Human Being
Body - Physical Health of a person
Spirit - the moral health of a person
Caring Culture - parson's all the set of traditions and values
Soul - mental and emotional status of the self
Three Components of Human Being: Body, Soul, Spirit
Caritative Caring Theory - emphasizes the importance of patient-nurse relationship and the role of love and healing
Who developed the theory of caritative caring?
Katie Eriksson
Caritative Caring Theory - distinguishes between caring ethics, the practical relationship between the patient and nurse, and nursing ethics
Eriksson advocates for viewing patients as whole individuals
Care - not just addressing physical symptoms but also about providing emotional and spiritual support
Caring Science - involves understanding the patient's lived experience and fostering a therapeutic relationship
Dignity - the deepest ethical motive in all caring
Dignity - implies inner freedom and responsibility for one's own and other lives
Care Relationship - has to be caritative base on love, attention and a will to listen and share the other person's story, suffering, and life circumstances
Invitation - how we can includes the other person and offer a caring relationship
Responsibility - centers on compassionate care, prioritizing patient's well being, and addressing ethical issues with integrity
Virtue - is all about power or strength, goodness and art
Virtue - a power that makes it possible to realize what is good for human beings
Obligation or Duty - a promise that is experienced as an action of love
Good and Evil - in caring, this means that the unconditional actions are founded in the carer's will to do "well" for the patient
Caritas - constitutes the inner force that is connected with mission to care
Caritative Care Ethics - makes a basic distinction between caring and nursing ethics
Nursing ethics - deals with ethical principles and rules that guide nursing decisions
Living Space - replaced the term environment in to this
Environment - shaped and influenced by all the set of traditions and values (also known as "Caring Culture)
Living Space - refers to anything that surrounds and affects a patient's overall health