To investigate evidence for a gene-environment interaction (G x E) for a mutation of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) in relation to depression.
Research Method:
Natural Experiment, IV - stressful life events causes depression
Sample: 847 New Zealand 26-year-olds
Participants divided into three groups based on 5-HTT alleles
Stressful life events assessed via questionnaire (ages 21-26)
Depression symptoms evaluated
Individuals with one or more short alleles showed more depression symptoms in response to stressful events
Effect strongest for those with more stressful life events
Gene alone not sufficient; interaction with stress increased depression likelihood
The findings support the diathesis-stress model, demonstrating that genetic vulnerability (short allele) increases the risk of MDD, but only when combined with stressful life events.
Longitudinal Design: Offers a clear temporal sequence between stress exposure and onset of MDD, aiding in establishing causation.
Focus on Gene–Environment Interaction: Highlights the importance of environmental triggers in expressing genetic vulnerability.
Self-Report Bias: Reliance on participants’ reports for stressful events may introduce inaccuracies or bias.
Replication Variability: Subsequent studies have sometimes failed to replicate the strength of the interaction, indicating variability in the effect.