poverty and inequality

Cards (3)

    • Episodes of violence and conflict exacerbate fragile settings, whereby authorities are often unable to provide basic services and social safety nets to their citizens.
    • This results in terrorist groups seizing the opportunity to establish themselves further as alternatives to governments.
    • In developing countries, acts of terrorism further erode already precarious economic conditions. 
    • A cause of Boko Haram-related terrorism is the rampant poverty and unemployment existing in North Nigeria, which disenfranchises the population and turns them towards radical ideals.
    • The terrorist organise has played on the local population’s general dissatisfaction with the central government. 
    • Poverty Divide72% in Northern Nigeria, compounded by poor governance and corruption, furthering disenchantment.
  • There are enormous class divisions in Nigeria, and over half of the population is in poverty, living on less than USD 1.25 a day.