layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's atmosphere
weather occurs here
2nd layer of atmosphere
ozone layer
absorbs most of the Sun's UV rays (B and C), providing critical protection to our planet
UV radiation
released by the Sun; can cause DNA damage (cancer) in animals
coldest layer of the atmosphere
hottest layer of the atmosphere
percentage of incoming sunlight reflected from a surface
incoming solar radiation
saturation point
maximum amount of water vapor that can be in the air at a given temperature
adiabatic cooling
the cooling effect of reduced pressure on air as it rises higher in the atmosphere and expands
adiabatic heating
the heating effect of increased pressure on aure as it sinks toward the surface of Earth and decrease in volume
atmospheric convention currents
global patterns of air movement that are initiated by unequal heating of the Earth
latent heat release
the release of energy when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water; air becomes warmer and rises in the atmosphere
Hadley cells
convection current in the atmosphere that cycles between the equator and 30 degrees north and south
polar cells
convection currents in the atmosphere formed by air that rises at 60 degree N and 60 degrees S at the poles and sinks ar the poles 90 degrees N and 90 degrees S
Ferrell cells
a convention cell in the atmosphere that lies between hadley and polar cells
interpolar convergence zone (ITCZ)
The latitude that receives the most sunlight and causes the ascending branches of the 2 Hadley cells to converge
typified by dense clouds and intense thunderstorm activity because of humid air rising
rain shadow
a region with dry conditions found on the leeward side of a mountain range as a result of humid winds from the ocean causing precipitation on the windward side
large-scale patterns of water circulation that moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere
the upward movement of ocean water towards the surface as a result of diverging currents
thermohaline circulation
ocean circulation pattern that is crucial for moving heat/nutrients around the globe
drives the mixing of surface + deep water
El Nino
a reversal of wind/water currents in the South Pacific
winds blow from west to east
warm equatorial currents bring heat and precipitation to N+S Americas