Cards (51)

  • What is the causative organism of Chlamydia?
  • How does Chlamydia reproduce?
    It can only reproduce inside living human cells
  • How is Chlamydia transmitted?
    Through unprotected vaginal or anal sex
  • What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in males?
    Yellow mucus discharge from the penis and burning sensation when peeing
  • What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in females?
    Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • What are the long-term effects of Chlamydia in males?
    Epididymitis and infertility
  • What are the long-term effects of Chlamydia in females?
    Scar tissue blocking uterine tubes and infertility
  • What are the prevention methods for Chlamydia?
    Abstinence and practicing safe sex using a mechanical barrier
  • What tests are used for Chlamydia?
    Urine or swab tests
  • What is the treatment for Chlamydia?
  • What is the causative organism of Gonorrhoea?
  • How is Gonorrhoea transmitted?
    Through contact with mucous membranes and oral sex
  • What are the symptoms of Gonorrhoea in males?
    Yellow discharge from the penis
  • What are the symptoms of Gonorrhoea in females?

    Infection of cervix/urethra and yellow discharge
  • What are the long-term effects of Gonorrhoea in males?
    Sterility (infertility) and arthritis
  • What are the long-term effects of Gonorrhoea in females?
    Oviducts block, infertility, throat infection, and can be passed to children during childbirth
  • What are the prevention methods for Gonorrhoea?

    Abstinence and practicing safe sex using a mechanical barrier, including oral sex
  • What tests are used for Gonorrhoea?
    Urine or swab tests
  • What is the treatment for Gonorrhoea?

  • What is the causative organism of Syphilis?
  • How is Syphilis transmitted?
    Through direct sexual contact
  • What are the stages of Syphilis?

    Primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary stages
  • What are the symptoms of the primary stage of Syphilis?
    Small sores (chancres) where bacteria enter
  • What are the symptoms of the secondary stage of Syphilis?
    Persistent rashes and highly infectious stage
  • What happens in the latent stage of Syphilis?
    Symptoms go away
  • What are the symptoms of the tertiary stage of Syphilis?
    Very severe symptoms such as heart disease and insanity
  • What are the prevention methods for Syphilis?
    Abstinence and practicing safe sex
  • What is the treatment for Syphilis?
    Antibiotics for all stages and surgery may be required in later stages
  • What is the causative organism of Genital Herpes?
    Virus (HSV1 & HSV2)
  • How is Genital Herpes transmitted?
    Through skin-to-skin contact (genital, oral, anal sex)
  • What are the symptoms of Genital Herpes?
    Cold sores on lips (HSVI) and blisters on genital organs (HSV2)
  • What happens during the first episode of Genital Herpes?
    It is the most severe and can also have flu-like symptoms
  • What is the long-term effect of Genital Herpes?
    The virus remains in the nervous system for life and can re-infect skin or mucous membranes
  • What are the prevention methods for Genital Herpes?
    Abstinence and practicing safe sex
  • What is the treatment for Genital Herpes?

    No cure, but antiviral medication can minimize severity and length of 'attack'
  • What is the causative organism of Genital Warts?
    Virus (HPV)
  • What are the symptoms of Genital Warts?

    Warts on the genital area, vagina, cervix, penis, or throat
  • What is the long-term effect of Genital Warts?
    A newborn can be infected during passage through the birth canal
  • What are the prevention methods for Genital Warts?
    Abstinence and practicing safe sex
  • What is the treatment for Genital Warts?
    No cure, but warts can be removed