Quiz 2

Cards (64)

  • What is the time period of the Renaissance?
    1350-1650 A.D
  • How was pharmacy distinguished from medicine during the Renaissance?
    Pharmacy was separated from medicine
  • In what year were pharmacies opened in Germany?
  • What significant developments occurred in the pharmacy field between 1800 and 1900?

    There were rapid developments and improvements in pharmacy and medicine, including the manufacture of medicine.
  • What was the impact of the Bubonic Plague on the world population?
    It wiped out one-third of the world’s population.
  • What were some of the consequences of the Bubonic Plague?
    It triggered religious, social, and economic upheavals.
  • How did the Bubonic Plague affect European history?
    It had profound effects on the course of European history.
  • Who is known as the "Father of modern toxicology"?
  • What is the significance of Paracelsus's quote, "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison"?

    It emphasizes the concept of overdose.
  • What process did Paracelsus introduce in laboratory research?
    The process of distillation and extraction.
  • Who is the founder of modern human anatomy?
    Andreas Vesalius
  • What is the title of Andreas Vesalius's work?
    De Humani Corporis fabrica (On the fabric of the Human Body)
  • Who authored the first official pharmacopoeia?
    Valerius Cordus
  • What is the significance of the Dispensatorium authored by Valerius Cordus?
    It represents the lasting importance of pharmacopoeia.
  • What system influenced Europe during the Renaissance?
    The GUILD system.
  • What is a GUILD?
    An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits that protects mutual interests and maintains standards.
  • What was the role of pharmacists in Italy during the Renaissance?
    The role of pharmacists was recognized in society.
  • What was the first botanical garden established in Italy for?
    To study plants and pharmacy.
  • What was the first pharmacopoeia in Europe?
    Nuovo Ricettaio Fiorentino
  • What was India's role in the pharmaceutical industry during the Renaissance?
    India was the biggest pharmaceutical source of raw materials.
  • Who discovered iodine and bromine in France?
    Bernard Courtois
  • How did Bernard Courtois discover iodine and bromine?
    By extracting seaweed, which was a serendipitous discovery.
  • Who introduced percolation as a means of extraction in France?
    Real and Boullay
  • What are alkaloids?
    Bioactive compositions of plant materials.
  • Which tree is associated with quinine?
    The Cinchona tree.
  • What is the effect of quinine and strychnine on the body?

    They affect the central nervous system.
  • Who discovered codeine?
    Pierre Jean Robiquet
  • What was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin's stage name?
  • Who is known as the Father of Microbiology?
    Louis Pasteur
  • What significant vaccine did Louis Pasteur develop?
    The rabies vaccine.
  • How was pharmacy regulated in Germany during the Renaissance?
    Pharmacy was regulated by the government.
  • Who discovered sugar in beets using alcohol extraction?
    Andreas Marggraf
  • Who discovered morphine in opium?
    Friedrich Serturner
  • What is the relationship between morphine and codeine?
    Both are alkaloids derived from opium.
  • What is the Mohr balance also known as?
    Wesphal balance.
  • Who successfully synthesized salicylic acid for commercial sale?
    Felix Hoffman
  • What is the chemical name for aspirin?
    Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • What concept did Paul Ehrlich introduce?
    The concept of chemotherapy.
  • What was arsphenamine used for?
    It was used for the treatment of syphilis.
  • What challenges did apothecaries face in England?
    They had difficulty separating from the grocer.