Mining and Quarrying

Cards (17)

    • Mining - the underground extraction of minerals from economically viable deposits.
    • Quarrying - the surface extraction of a wide range of minerals.
    • large surface operations are 'open pit mines'; used for less complex but larger mineral deposits near the surface (involves extraction of mineral/overlying material, and often cheaper)
    • underground mining used for more complex, and smaller/deeper mineral deposits; produce less waste rock, but more expensive and dangerous than open-pit mining
  • Potential problems can be designed out at planning stage, if sufficient information is gathered.
    Mining Hazards Associated with:
    • strength/weakness of rock being dug
    • nature of the rock on which structures are built/material placed
    • influence of water at the surface or underground
  • Problems of Open Pit Mining:
    • stability of sides of the quarry; working faces are unstable/steep
    • lots of waste material remains after processing ore (cannot be put back into pit before mining operation over)
    • water may flood up through porous/permeable deposits (if pit extends below water table)
    • loss of habitat (woodland/hedgerows/fields destroyed) + inconvenience to local people (noise/vibrations/dust)
  • Management of Open Pit Mining:
    • stability improved by planning a stepped profile for face with horizontal working platforms alternating with verticasl working face of restricted height + rock bolts prevent slabs slipping
    • sand/gravel pits pumped to prevent water flooding + drainage system for old faces prevents lubrication of joints/bedding planes and wetting of clay
  • Longwall Retreat (Underground Mining):
    • main shaft dug from surface with tunnels/roadways to furthest point of extraction
    • 'longwall' is between 2 roadways and extracting machine transfers material removing slices of material onto conveyor belt
    • roof held up by mobile hydraulic steel chocks + system of deliberate collaspe as mine moves backwards towards shaft
  • Underground Mining Methods:
    • Slope Mining - mining along a slope where vertical shafts are drilled downwards and horizontal levels through ore body + slope may be backfilled or controll collasped.
    • Room and Pillar Mining - mining/extracting materials to create rooms but leaving pillars as foundations to support rock + wall of rooms may have shotcrete/rock bolts used for reinforcements.
  • Problems of Underground Mining:
    • Flooding - water accumulates in weathered strata near surface, porous superficial deposits and in old worked-out seams (danger from breaking into water-filled voids releasing water).
    • Gas/Cold Dust - compression of coal seam squeezes out volatiles + explosions need gas/oxygen/spark (deadly if channelled along tunnels; CO is toxic) and worsened by coal dust.
    • pressure, permeability, geothermal gradient, and groundwater pollution more problems
  • Problems of Underground Mining:
    • Collaspe of Roof/Rockfalls - weight from rock above extracted area makes collaspe likely + release of pressure when tunnels open allows joints to widen loosening rocks.
    • Subsidence - collaspe of mines causes subsidence at surface + long wall mining causes areas to subiside evenly.
  • Management of Underground Mining:
    • opening shaft lowers air pressure in void which water percolates towards; gradual seepage of water controlled by pumps + risk of flooding reduced by research
    • ventilation prevents gas buildup + monitor atmosphere in mine for gas + enclose electric parts of machinery/avoid iron on iron contact (limit sparks) + spray water on coal dust
  • Management of Underground Mining:
    • room/pillar methods prevent collaspe + roof supported by closely spaced steel semi-circular girders + shotcrete on walls + steel hydraulic rams support longwall method
    • don't mine coal seam directly below sensitive areas + pillar/room method intended to prevent subsidence
    • mineral veins/ore contain mixture of minerals but only one wanted to be sold comercially (valuable ore minerals); common ore minerals are sulfides (chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena)
    • gangue minerals aren't wanted as no industrial use/uneconomical to process or contain elements that make processes difficult/expensive; so tipped as heaps of waste
  • Surface/Groundwater Pollution:
    • mine waste tips are mixture of elements not usually found at high concentrations at surface (contain toxic heavy metals; lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic)
    • mining breaks up rock/opens up passages and brings chemicals to surface allow access to air/oxygen/water + some bacteria oxidise iron as metabollic process
    • chemical reactions at surface; sulfur becomes sulphur dioxide then sulfuric acid which dissolves heavy metals from ore/gangue - poisonous solutions percolate through soil/bedrock to water table contaminating groundwater
  • Acid Mine Drainage (AMD):
    • controlling AMD at source of abandoned mine; dewatering mine/treating pumped out water (expensive/effective) + flood mine then seal with impermeable concrete/clay (becomes anaerobic once oxygen in water used by microorganisms)
    • AMD treatment outside of mine; neutralise acidity (precipitate metals as chemical salts; non-toxic/disposable)
  • Active Treatment of AMD:
    • neutralise with base (lime, calcium carbonate, and sodium carbonate/hydroxide); expensive as requires constant chemical supply/appropriate disposal of salts + reliable/effective for high rates of flow
    • plants permanent or portable + oxidising agents added to accelerate precipitation of metal hydroxides/carbonates from iron-rich sludge
  • Passive Treatment of AMD:
    • wetland ecosystems set up with shallow pondss filled with limestone gravel covered by organic compost creates anaerobic environment (bacteria produce metal sulfides)
    • expensive to set up but cheap to run; requires land but minimal maintenance and no hazardous chemicals
    • used if AMD low acidity/rate of flow + in remote area where no electricity is needed
    • natural oxidation precipitates iron, manganese, and other metal salts
  • Mineral Processing (harmful chemicals produced so pollution of soil/groundwater needs preventing) creates problems:
    • solutions in heap leaching are acidic
    • tailings from crushing operations are fine grained sediments with toxic metals/chemicals + flotation tailings are waste rock materials including heavy metals (don't attach to bubbles in froth flotation process)
    • spoil heaps unstable if slopes too steep; their toxic heavy metals are subject to same chemical processes as AMD but reactions quicker as spoil is fine-grained