Roles, Functions, and Characteristics of Health Professional

Cards (18)

  • As a MANAGER
    • Responsible for the effective management of the class from start to finish
    • Carries systematic activities throughout the day
    • Expected to maintain order in the classroom
    • Teachers are expected to respond constructively when problems crop up concerning student behavior.
    • Teachers provide guidance and assistance if students experience problems.
    • Teachers encourage and motivate learners to study well and behave properly in and outside the classroom.
    • The teacher is good at motivating learners to make them listen, participate, and understand instructions.
  • As a LEADER
    • The teacher directs, coaches, supports, and delegates depending on the needs of the situation
    • To be a good leader, you must be a good follower
  • As a MODEL
    • The teacher should look his best all the time, master his lessons, show interest in the learner's welfare, show good behavior, and include good work and attitudes.
    • Teachers should be fair in dealing with students and exhibit good judgment when the situation calls for it.
    • Teacher deals with people outside the school with credibility.
    • Teachers must have good public relations to make a good name for their school.
    • In school, the teacher is the parent of the learners.
    • Adding to the main functions of developing the learners intellectually, the teacher is also expected to train the learners socially and emotionally and to look after theirphysical and mental well-being.
    • Teacher guarantees that the individual rights of the learners in education and safety are respected.
    • The learners must be given the chance to discuss things under the close supervision and monitoring of the teacher.
    • The teacher prepares guidelines which will serve as the focus of discussion and activities.
    • The main function of the teacher is instruction.
    • Teachers make decisions as to what to teach, what instructional materials to use what method to employ in teaching a particular content, and how best to evaluate the intended learning.
  • Professional Competence
    • The teacher who enjoys teaching shows genuine interest in patients and displays confidence in his or her professional abilities.
    • A teacher who is creative and stimulating can excite students' interest and can demonstrate clinical skills with expertise is also valued
  • Interpersonal Relationships
    • As in all relationships, teachers must listen to learners and try to see the world through their eyes
    • First approach: Respect learners and care about their concerns
    • Second approach: Accept learners as they are, whether or not you like them
    • Third approach: Honest communication contributing to healthy relationships with learners
    • Fourth approach: Identifying the learner's responsibilities in the learning process.
  • Teaching Practices
    • Teaching practices are defined as the mechanics, methods, and skills in classroom and clinical teaching.
    • Students value a teacher who has a thorough knowledge of the subject matter and can present material in an interesting clear and organized manner.
    • Jacobson (1966): defined teaching practices as the mechanics, methods, and skills in classroom and clinical teaching.
  • Availability to Students
    • Allied health science students, expect the instructor to be available to them when needed. This may take the form of being there in the following:
    • Stressful clinical situations
    • Physically helping students
    • Giving appropriate amounts of supervision
    • Freely answering questions and;
    • Acting as a resource person during clinical learning experiences.
  • Role of Teachers/Medical Technologists in Guidance
    • The concept of guidance, which is associated with the daily activity of the classroom teacher, gives a greater responsibility to him. It means that the teacher who is dealing with children should be given in-service education to discharge his responsibilities in personal, educational, and vocational guidance.
    • Making sure the young person has a voice in setting learning targets.
  • Definitions of Teaching
    • Organized, purposeful, and deliberate efforts are designed to bring about certain desirable ends in an individual.
    • It is an action of a person imparting skill, knowledge, or even value to another.
    • It is an attempt to assist students in acquiring or changing some skill, knowledge, ideal attitude, or appreciation.
    • Is a process or set of actions to induce learning and eventually to succeed in learning.
    • A professional teacher perceives himself as someone who can effect change or learning because he is an expert in what he teaches and in how he teaches.
  • Learning
    • Defined as a change in behavior that can be observed or measured and occur anytime as a result od exposure to a stimuli
    • Acquisition of knowlegde and skills consciously such that behavior is altered in some way
  • Barriers
    • Factors that impede the ability to deliver educational services
    • Factors that negatively affects the ability of the learner to pay attention and process information