using resources

Cards (97)

  • drinking water has to have low levels of salt
  • drinking water must have low levels of what
  • drinking water cant have high levels of microbes such as 

  • drinking water cant have microbes such as bacteria
  • water that is safe to drink is called potable water
  • what is water that is safe to drink called
    potable water
  • potable water and pure water are not the same
  • what is the difference between pure water and potable water
    potable water contains some dissolved substances and pure water does not
  • where does rainwater collect
    aquifers , lakes , rivers , reservoirs
  • how to make potable water
    take fresh water
    pass through filter beds to remove leaves and suspended particles
    water is sterilised to kill microbes ( with chlorine or UV light )
  • sea water is made potable through desalination
  • what does desalination do
    reduce the levels of dissolved minerals to a safe level
  • one way of carrying out desalination is to use distillation
  • one way of carring out desalination is by reverse osmosis
  • desalination is very expensive
  • what are resources used for
    warmth , shelter , food , transport
  • what are resources produced by
  • many resources are produced by agriculture
  • what are trees used for
    timber or fuel
  • agriculture helps us use the earth resources more efficiently
  • some natural resources are finite
  • what does it mean if a resource is finite
    it cant be replaced as quickly as it is used
  • what do natural resources provide
    food , timber , clothes , fuel
  • finite resources from the earth provide energy and materials
  • what natural products have been replaced by synthetic versions or agricultural versions
  • drinking water has to have low levels of dissolved salts
  • what is potable water
    water that is safe to drink
  • potable water and pure water are not the same
  • sources of fresh water
  • how to produce potable water
    find a good source of fresh water
    pass water through filter beds
    sterilise water with chlorine ( or ozone or UV light )
  • ways of carrying out desalination
    reverse osmosis
  • you can carry out desalination using reverse osmosis and distillation
  • reverse osmosis and distillation both require large amounts of energy making them expensive
  • methods of producing potable water depend on available water supply and local conditions
  • waste water must be treated before being released into the environment
  • what is the purpose of screening waste water
    removes solid and bits of grit by passing through a mesh
  • what is the purpose of sedimentation tanks
    it produces a liquid effluent and a sludge which sinks
    the sludge gets taken away and digested by anaerobic bacteria
    if there is no oxygen the bacteria produce biogas which can be burned for energy
  • sedimentation tanks produce sludge and effluent
  • what can the digested sludge in waste water treatment be used for
    fertilisers for farming
  • the digested sludge can be used as fertilisers for farming