Cards (13)

  • What is sustainable economic growth?

    Stable economic growth that can be sustained over the long term for future generations
  • How is sustainable economic growth measured?

    It is measured by the growth in the production capacity of an economy over time, usually in terms of GDP
  • What is the estimated target range for sustainable economic growth? 

    3-4% GDP growth rate per annum
  • What does price stability refer to?
    Price stability refers to where prices are stable and not fluctuating, requiring low inflation rates
  • How is price stability measured?
    It is measured using the inflation rate, which is determined from the changes in the consumer price index (CPI)
  • What is the target range for price stability?
    2-3% rate of inflation per annum
  • What does full employment mean?

    Full employment refers to when everyone who is willing and able to work can find employment, meaning cyclical unemployment is zero
  • How is full employment measured?
    A person is considered employed if they are willing and able to work and are in paid work for at least an hour a week
  • What is the estimated target for full employment?
    4.5% rate of unemployment
  • What is equitable income distribution?
    Equitable income distribution promotes the welfare of all Australians and is achieved through measures to improve vertical equity like the progressive tax system
  • How is equitable income distribution measured?
    It is measured through the Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve
  • Does equitable income distribution have a target?
    Equitable income distribution has no target
  • Equitable income distribution is between being a macro or micro objective.