Cards (44)

  • What does "impact" refer to in tax concepts?
    Where the tax is levied or collected from.
  • What does "incidence" refer to in tax concepts?
    Where the burden of the tax falls; who actually pays the tax.
  • What are the characteristics of direct taxation?
    • Collected from the taxpayer's income (individual or corporate).
    • Impact and incidence falls on the same person/group.
    • Burden cannot be shifted.
  • What are the characteristics of indirect taxation?
    • Impact and incidence falls on different people/groups.
    • Examples include excise tax or GST.
    • Levied on businesses but passed on to consumers as the tax is added to the final cost of the good.
  • What is a specific tax?
    A tax charged on the volume of sales regardless of price.
  • What is an ad valorem tax?
    A tax levied as a percentage of price.
  • Give an example of an ad valorem tax.
    Real estate or personal property tax.
  • What is a progressive tax?
    An increasing proportion of tax as income increases
  • Who primarily bears the burden of a progressive tax?
    Those who earn higher levels of income
  • What is an example of a progressive tax?
    Personal income tax with increasing tax brackets
  • What is a regressive tax?
    A decreasing proportion of income taxed as income increases
  • Who bears a greater burden under a regressive tax system?
    Lower income earners
  • How does taxation affect lower income earners in a regressive tax system?
    Taxation takes up a higher proportion of their income
  • How is a regressive tax structured in terms of amount taxed?
    Everyone gets taxed the same amount, but it makes up a different proportion of their income
  • What is an example of a regressive tax?
    Excise tax
  • What is a proportional tax?
    A constant proportion of income taxed
  • What is an example of a proportional tax in Australia?
    Company tax rates of 30% for big companies and 27.5% for small companies
    • Income
    • Goods and services
    • Property and wealth
  • Resource taxes tax the discovery and use of natural resources
  • Capital gains tax is an example of Property and Wealth Tax.
    • Progressive tax which is levied on capital gains (profits) from the sale of assets held for a period longer than 12 months
  • What type of income is personal income tax levied on?
    All wage and salary income
  • What is the nature of personal income tax?
    It is a direct tax
  • How is the burden of personal income tax characterized?
    It has a progressive burden
  • What type of tax is company tax?
    Proportional tax
  • What is the impact of company tax on individual companies?
    It affects the individual company
  • Who ultimately bears the incidence of company tax?
    The consumer, as the cost is passed on
    Fringe benefits tax. Employer pays tax on any non-cash benefits given to employees.
  • personal income tax and company tax are both types of INCOME tax
    Customs duty:
    • Indirect tax levied on imported goods (i.e. a tariff)
    • Means of protecting Australian producers from o/s competition
  • GST and excise duty are types of GOODS AND SERVICES TAX
  • GST: goods and services tax
  • What is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate?
  • What type of tax is the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
    A broad-based tax levied on most goods and services
  • Who collects the revenue from the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
    The federal government
  • How is the revenue from GST distributed?
    It is distributed to state governments
  • What is the impact of GST on sellers?
    It affects their pricing and revenue
  • What is the incidence of GST on consumers?
    Consumers bear the cost of the tax through higher prices
  • What is excise duty imposed on?
    Domestically produced goods such as alcohol, cigarettes, and oil products
  • What is the nature of the excise duty rate?
    It is imposed at a flat rate
  • What is one of the purposes of excise duty?
    Revenue raising