Cards (9)

  • What is Anselm's approach to the timelessness of God known as?
  • how is his view presentism?
    only present moment exists.
  • God is timeless, just as he is spaceless, whereas humans are constraint by time just as we are constraint by space.
  • Terms such as 'yesterday; ;the past' are relative to the person perceiving it at any given moment in time.
  • God is in control of time. Time varies depending in the person who perceives it. Time is not linear but moving around.
  • God is unlimited by either space or time and therefore God can be in the past, present and future all at once
  • God is not just 'in' every time and space but every time and space is 'in' God created and sustained by God. God is not constraint by them but is in control of them.
  • He believed we do have freewill
  • God can judge us as we choose freely and God sees us from past, present and future.