individualism, human beings are possessed of rights, natural state of human beings is freedom, equality, freedom of action thought and expression, toleration, limited gov based on consent, free markets, democracy
a procedural, rules based system that works at adjudicating between disputes and rival claims (that's what a court should do). The legal system is not there to promote any one person's idea of goodness. The legal system is there to deter individuals from violating each other's rights.
there are no such thing as natural rights. The British philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, called the idea of natural rights 'nonsense on stilts'. Instead, rights are based in law and arise because individuals participate in a society. Outside of society, there are no rights. A group of thinkers most noted for this views are the logical positivists.
what did JS Mill say about freedom of thought and discussion?
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
what did Mill believe about the importance of critical discussion?
open critical discussion was beneficial to everyone. When people are able to speak freely then ideas can be 'tested' in debate and if they are wrong, then they will be disproven