1945 - 1948

Cards (8)

  • Yalta Conference 1945
    • Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
    • Germany and Berlin would be split, free elections in europe, creation of the UN.
  • Potsdam Conference 1945
    • Attlee, Truman and Stalin
    • Stalin stopped free elections in Poland, Truman tested the atom bomb.
  • 1945, the US tested two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
  • 1946, the Iron Curtain Speech by Churchill.
  • 1947, the Truman Doctrine helped to contain communism.
    1947, Cominform set up by Stalin.
    • 1948, Marshall Plan, George Marshall gave 17 billion to European countries to help rebuild after WW2.
    • 1949, Comecon set up by Stalin.
  • The Berlin Blockade, 1948:
    • Allies formed Trizonia and introduced the Deutsmark
    • Stalin cut off entries in and out of West Berlin - 318 days
    The Berlin Airlift, 1949:
    • Allies transport 275000 planes carrying supplies into West Berlin
    • 1949, China turn communist
    • As a result, NATO is created, 1949