The adaptive immune system is specific or acquired
The adaptive immune system is slow to develop
The adaptive immune system can augment and amplify the immune response
The adaptive immune system can confer long-lasting protection from infection
The adaptive immune system involves the recognition of non-self antigens in the presence of self
Cells of the adaptive immune system are derived from a lymphoid progenitor cell
The innate immune system happens immediately but is short-lived
The adaptive immune system takes longer to activate but is much longer lasting
T cell development
pre-T cell
selection of T cells with appropriately rearranged receptors for antigen
naive T cells
encounter with antigen-bearing DC leads to activation and functional polarisation to effector or memory T cell
carry out effector functions
T cell tolerance
t cells that cannot bind to self MHC undergo apoptosis (positive selection)
t cells interact with DCs. recognise peptide - MHC complexes with medium or high affinity undergo apoptosis (negative selection)
weak affinity to peptide and MHC I become CD8 cells (cytotoxic T cells)
weak affinity to peptide and MHC II become CD4 cells (helper T cells)
During the tolerance selection process, hundreds of T cells will die.
Tolerance prevents T cells and B cells from attacking self tissue
Peripheral tolerance
T-cells that recognize self-antigens are inactivated or deleted in peripheral tissues.
Central tolerance
T-cells that recognize self-antigens are eliminated during development in the thymus.
Central T cell tolerance mechanisms
Peripheral T cell tolerance mechanisms
regulatory cells
Even after T cell selection and tolerance, cells with potential for autoreactivity remain available
Antigen presenting cells
dendritic cells
B cells
When dendritic cells interact with naive T cell two signals need to occur:
t cell receptor binds to antigen presenting receptor, recognising pathogen as being non-self and needing to be activated
B7 protein on dendritic cell (CD80 and CD86) bind to CD28 on naive CD4 cell
activated CD4 release IL-2 which binds to other CD4 and amplifies cytokine production
CD4 subsets
IL-12 activates Th1
IL-4 activates Th2
IL-1B and IL-6 activate Th17
TGF-B and IL-10 activate Treg
Th1 releases IFN-y, IL-2, TNF-a
Th2 release IL-4, 5 and 13
Th17 releases IL-17
Treg releases TGF-B and IL-10
Th1 cells - defence against intracellular bacteria and viruses, cell mediated response
IFN-y released by Th1 activates B cell to become plasma cell and release opsonising antibodies and activates macrophages to display Fc receptor y1 which binds to Ig2a
IFN-y and IL-2 released by Th1 activate NK cells to increase cytotoxic cytokine secretion and activate CD8 cells to increase cytoxicity and cytokine secretion, and increase their survival
Th2 cells - defence against extracellular bacteria and parasites, humoral mediated response
IL-4 released by Th2 activates naive B cells to become plasma cells and release IgE
IL-4 and IL-13 released by Th2 activate macrophages to increase cytokine secretion, eosinophil and basophilic recruitment, healing and suppression of inflammation.
IL-2 and IL-5 released by Th2 activate eosinophils for recruitment and survival
IL-3 and IL-9 released by Th2 activate basophils and mast cells for recruitment and survival
Th17 cells - defence against some bacteria and fungi
Th17 cells
pro-inflammatory response
chronic inflammation
autoimmune disease
Th17 cells can be beneficial in helping increase the amount of phagocytes present in tissue