Glacio-fluvial landforms

Cards (28)

  • What are glacio-fluvial landforms?
    Landforms that are formed by meltwater
  • When do glacial periods end?
    When global temperatures rise and fluctuate
  • What are outwash materials?
    Materials deposited by meltwater
  • What are the characteristics of outwash?
    Finer materials, smoother and rounder, sorted, and stratified
  • When do meltwater streams have a higher discharge?
    In the summer months
  • What is a jokulhlaup?

    Extreme glacial outbursts caused by geothermal/volcanic activities
  • What is a Kame?
    Hills or hummocks composed of stratified sand/gravel laid down by meltwater
  • What are the two types of Kames?
    Delta Kames and Kame Terraces
  • Where are Delta Kames formed?
    East Lothian, Scotland
  • What are Delta Kames?

    Icy land formed when meltwater streams flow through or around outwash
  • How is a Delta Kame formed?

    Some are formed by englacial streams emerging at the snout of the glacier, losing energy and depositing their load
  • Where are Kame Terraces found?
    Kingsdale valley of the Yorkshire Dale
  • What is a Kame terrace?
    Ridges of material running along the edge of the valley floor
  • How do Kame terraces form?
    Supraglacial streams on the edge of the glacier carry lateral moraine, which is deposited on the valley sides
  • What is an Esker?
    A long sinuous ridge composed of stratified sand/gravel laid down by meltwater
  • How is an Esker formed?
    Material is deposited in subglacial tunnels as the supply of meltwater decreases at the end of a glacial period
  • What happens when deposition occurs in the formation of an Esker?
    Pressure is released and meltwater is released at the snout, moving the point of deposition backwards
  • What is an outwash plain?
    A flat expanse of sediment in the pro-glacial area
  • How is an outwash plain formed?
    Meltwater streams gradually lose energy as they enter lowland areas, depositing their load
  • What are outwash plains drained by?
    Braided streams
  • What are braided streams?
    River channels that are subdivided into more channels
  • How do braided streams form?
    Braiding begins with a mid-channel bar that grows downstream, causing the channel to divide
  • What causes the material deposited in braided streams to divide?
    The material deposited in the channel causes it to divide
  • What happens to discharge after a flood or period of ablation in braided streams?
    Discharge decreases, causing coarser material to be dropped first
  • How do temperatures affect glacio-fluvial landforms?
    As temperatures rise, more meltwater and vegetation are formed, leading to longer kames and bigger outwash plains and eskers
  • What is post-glacial modification?
    Upland elevations and continued fluvial processes; isotonic readjustment due to no pressure
  • What is a Kettle?
    A large depression in the ground formed by glacial deposition
  • How are Kettles formed?
    When large blocks of ice become stranded and buried by deposited meltwater, leaving a depression when the ice evaporates