Cards (9)

  • What is the average life expectancy in Marlborough for FEMALES?
  • What is the average life expectancy in Marlborough for MALES?
  • Crime rate in Marlborough?
    8 per 1000 people
    6 lower than Wiltshire average
  • Crime rate per 1000 people in MARLBOROUGH?
    8 per 1000
  • What % of Marlburians think that traffic is the worest issue in the town?
  • How many traffic accidents in Marlborough?
    86 more accidents per 100,000 than Wilts average
  • Influence on character: Life expectancy?
    Higher than average, suggests a healthy population and therefore a high quality of life
  • Influence on character: crime rate?
    Suggests Marlborough is a safe place to live, demonstrating a high QoL
  • Influence on character: traffic accidents being higher than Wilts average?

    Reflects Marlborough's location on a main through road
    Suggests Marlb's roads are dangerous