Nemeth et al. (1986) = confederate arguing with naïve ppts in mock-jury -> eventually convinced naïve ppts to agree with him because he was flexible = willingness to compromise
Dogmatic + refusal to compromise = ppts showed no movement towards his stance
Overall: minority influence possible depending on how minority presents itself
Minority influence A&E point 2: most experiments = lab experiments = clear conclusions
Moscovici et al. kept confederates the same across conditions = no. of confederates had no impact on DV
Potentiallyconfounding variables prevented + well-operationalised IV (consistency level) = impact on DV -> consistency influences minority's impact
Nemeth et al.'s changing level of flexibility (IV) = more minority influence
High internal validity of studies = minority influence does occur + that we can explain it
Minority influence A&E point 3: studies using lab experiments lack ecological validity = minority influence may not work the same way outside the lab
Sampson (1991) = lab experiments in minority influence = 'artificial'
IRL -> more likely to occur among friends/acquaintances
Also more likely to be operating in issues that are more important/relevant to society (e.g. women's rights, civil rights, LGBTQIA+ rights) -> more serious subject matter than Moscovici et al.'s/Nemeth et al.'s studies
Factors that seem to affect minority influence may not be as important/more important