Basic unit in society, and is shaped by all forces surround it.
Values, beliefs, and customs of society influence the role and function of the family (invades
every aspect of the life of the family)
Is a unit of interacting persons bound by ties of blood, marriage or adoption.
Constitute a single household, interacts with each other in their respective familial roles
and create and maintain a common culture.
An organization or social institution with continuity (past, present, and future). In which there are certain behaviors in common that affect each other.
The family is a product of time and place
A family is different from other family who lives in another location in many ways.
A family who lived in the past is different from another family who lives at present in many ways.
The family develops its own lifestyle
Develop its own patterns of behavior and its own style in life.
Develops their own power system
the parents and children have their own areas of decisions and control.
Strongly Bias
one member gains dominance over the others.
The family operates as a group
A family is a unit in which the action of any member may set of a whole series of reaction within a group, and entity whose inner strength may be its greatest single supportive factor when one of its members is stricken with illness or death.
The family accommodates the needs of the individual members
An individual is unique human being who needs to assert his or herself in a way that allows him to grow and develop.
Involves merging of values brought into the relationship from the families of orientation.
Includes adjustments to each other’s routines (sleeping, eating, chores, etc.), sexual and economic aspects.
Members work to achieve 3 separate identifiable tasks:
Establish a mutually satisfying relationship
2. Learn to relate well to their families of orientation
3. If applicable, engage in reproductive life planning
Birth or adoption of a first child which requires economic and social role changes
Oldest child: 2-1/2 years
This is a busy family because children at this stage demand a great deal of time related to growth and development needs and safety considerations.
Oldest child: 2-1/2 to 6 years old
Parents at this stage have important responsibility of preparing their children to be able to function in a complex world while at the same time maintaining their own satisfying marriage relationship.
Oldest child: 6-12 years old
A family allows the adolescents more freedom and prepare them for their own life as technology advances-gap between generations increases
Oldest child: 12-20 years old
Stage when children leave to set their own household-appears to represent the breaking of the family
Empty nests
Family returns to two partners nuclear unit
Period from empty nest to retirement
The family as a system is based on a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen (The Family System Theory) that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system.
Ackerman States that the Function of Family are:
Insuring the physical survival of the species
2. Transmitting the culture, thereby insuring man’s humanness
Physical functions of the family
family are met through parents providing food, clothing and shelter, protection against danger, provision for bodily repairs after fatigue or illness, and through reproduction.
Affectional function
the family is the primary unit in which the child tests his emotional reactions.
Social functions
– include providing social togetherness, fostering self-esteem and a personal identity tied to family identity, providing opportunity for observing and learning social and sexual roles, accepting responsibility for behavior and supporting individual creativity and initiative.
Universal Function of the Family by Doode
REPRODUCTION – for replacement of members of society: to perpetuate the human species
STATUS PLACEMENT of individuals in society
BIOLOGICAL and MAINTENANCE of the young and dependent members
SOCIALIZATION and CARE of the children
is a function, but with work or labor overtures assigned or demanded of the person
Duvall & Miller identified 8 tasks essential for a family to function as a unit:
Physical maintenance, Socialization of family, Allocation of resources, Maintenance of order, Division of Labor, Reproduction, Recruitment, and Release of family, Placement of family members into larger society, Maintenance of motivation and morale
Physical maintenance
provides food shelter, clothing, and health care to its members being certain that a family has ample resources to provide
Socialization of Family
involves preparation of children to live in the community and interact with people outside the family.
Allocation of Resources-
determines which family needs will be met and their order of priority.
Maintenance of Order
task includes opening an effective means of communication between family members, integrating family values and enforcing common regulations for all family members.
Division of Labor
who will fulfill certain roles e.g., family provider, home manager, children’s caregiver
Placement of members into larger society
consists of selecting community activities such as church, school, politics that correlate with the family beliefs and values