qualitative and quantitative data

Cards (15)

  • qualitative data
    descriptive data that is expressed in words
  • strength of qualitative data
    richer and has depth of detail. Qualitative data provides a more meaningful insight into the participants’ views.
  • limitation of qualitative data
    difficult to analyse and difficult to make comparisons with other data.
  • quantitative data

    information that can be measured and recorded with numbers
  • strength of quantitative data
    can be analysed statistically and converted into graphs or charts. This makes it easy to make comparisons with other data.
  • limitation of quantitative data
    lacks depth in detail and does not provide meaningful insight into participants’ views.
  • primary data
    information obtained first hand by the researcher
  • strength of primary data
    it targets the exact information which the researcher needs, so the data fits their aims and objectives.
  • limitation of primary data
    it requires time and effort and may be expensive.
  • secondary data
    information that someone else has collected
  • strength of secondary data
    the data requires minimal effort to collect therefore is not time consuming.
  • limitation of secondary data

    it may be likely data is outdated or incomplete
  • meta-analysis
    a technique where researchers examine the results of several previously conducted studies of the same nature
  • strength of meta-analysis
    the data is more generalisable as a larger amount of data is studied meaning the researcher is able to view the evidence with more confidence as there is a lot of it.
  • limitation of meta-analysis
    the researcher may choose to not publish all the data from relevant studies and leave out negative results. This will give a false representation of what the researcher was investigating