Geological timescale

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  • What is the geological scale?
    Periods of time divided according to the rock types and sort of fossils found.
  • How have scientists divided the history of the Earth?
    According to the rock types and sort of fossils found in each period.
  • What does the geological timescale help define?
    The major stages in the history of life on Earth as shown by fossils.
  • What do palaeontologists use the geological timescale for?
    To date and compare the age of fossils.
  • What are the long periods of time in the geological timescale called?
  • What are the main eras of the geological timescale?
    The Palaeozoic era, Mesozoic era, and Cenozoic era.
  • What is the difference between an era and a period in the geological timescale?
    • An era is a very long time span covering millions of years.
    • A period is a shorter timespan that forms part of an era with distinctive kinds of life.
  • What is the time span of the Permian period characterized by?
    Reptiles were abundant and the first mammals appeared.
  • What are the key periods and their characteristics in the geological timescale?
    • Cenozoic: Recent life, modern humans.
    • Mesozoic: Middle life, dinosaurs and ammonites abundant.
    • Palaeozoic: Ancient life, first fish and land animals.
  • What does the term "Precambrian" refer to in the geological timescale?
    It refers to the beginning of geological time before the Cambrian period.
  • How does the geological timescale reflect the evolution of life on Earth?

    It shows the development of different life forms through various periods and eras.
  • What is the significance of the first fish in the geological timescale?
    It marks the beginning of complex life in the oceans.
  • What type of life existed during the Archaean era?

    Very simple sea plants (algae) and worms.
  • What does the term "Cenozoic" refer to in the geological timescale?
    It refers to the era of recent life, including modern humans.
  • What major event is associated with the extinction of dinosaurs in the geological timescale?
    The extinction of dinosaurs and ammonites, leading to the rise of mammals and flowering plants.
  • How do the characteristics of life change from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic era?

    Life evolves from simple sea creatures to complex mammals and flowering plants.