what did britain gain from trade and commerce? [1]
by 1890 empire=wealthier britain, so more trade= more wealth. (ONLY GEN OPINION) eg 20% of Britains total exports were from India by 1914 (£150 mil) with supplies like raw cotton and tea
canada also was a big supplier, they supplied 10% of Britains beefexports and 15% wheatflour by 1914
what did britain gain from trade and commerce? [2]
mainly helped expand communication wise, ocean steamships were a major bulk transport (improvements of travel)
railways were also largely used, new lines being made entirely for trading (Uganda -> sea of Mombosa in 1900) and expanding other lines like Indiannetwork
overall developmental wise britain improved (can be argued in other flashcard- engineering)
was trade within the empire significant?
may seem less significant than thought of. britain was behind in chemical/electricalengineering as for example they relied heavily on rubber imports from Africa/Asia. the Russians, Germans and French had their own syntheticrubberproduction by 1910. it can be argued reliance on imports/exports has a negativeeffect, eg undermining domesticfoodproduction=depopulation of countryside
what was disbanded in 1893?
imperialfederationleague, was established in 1884 to promote closerties within the empire. the fact it was disbanded in less than 10 years alludes the true interest of the empires commercialimportance