coordination and response

Cards (44)

  • stimulus
    any change in internal/external environment
  • receptors
    sense organs that detect stimulus
  • effectors
    cells that carry response to correct effect of stimulus
  • central nervous system
    made up of brain and spinal cord only
  • neurones
    cells that make up the nervous system
  • synapse
    connection between 2 neurones
  • axon
    nerve fibre that carries electrical impulses away from body cell
  • reflexes
    rapid, automatic response of the nervous system that doesn’t involve the brain
  • reflex arc
    pathway of reflex response/electrical impulses along neurones
  • cornea
    transparent lens that refracts (bends) as light enters the eye
  • iris
    controls how much light enters the pupil
  • lens
    transparent disc that change shape to focus light onto retina
  • retina
    contains light receptor cells
  • rods
    detect black and white
  • cones
    detect colour
  • optic nerve
    sensory neurone that carries impulses between the eye and brain
  • pupil
    hole that allows light to enter
  • conjunctiva
    clear membrane that lubricates and protects eye surface
  • ciliary muscle
    ring muscle that contracts/relaxes to change shape of lens
  • suspensory ligaments
    connect ciliary muscles to lens
  • sclera
    tough outer layer that muscles attach to move the eyeball
  • fovea
    area of retina with highest concentration of cone cells (sharper vision)
  • aqueous humour

    watery liquid between cornea and lens
  • vitreous humour

    jelly like liquid filling the eyeball
  • choroid
    tissue lining the inside of the sclera to prevent reflection of light rays inside eyeball
  • blind spot
    point at which optic nerve leaves the eye - no receptor cells
  • pupil constriction 

    circular and radial muscles contraction/relaxing
  • accommodation of light

    fine focusing of lens by contractions/relaxation of ciliary muscles
  • hormones
    chemicals that travel in the blood
  • adrenaline
    readies body for 'flight or fight' response
  • insulin
    control blood sugar levels
  • testosterone
    main sex hormones in males
  • progesterone
    maintains pregnancy
  • oestrogen
    main sex hormones in females
  • ADH
    controls water content
  • FSH/LH
    female sex hormones
  • homoestasis
    ability to maintain constant internal environment
  • thermoregulation
    optimum temperature for enzymes in metabolic reactions for respiration
  • vasodilation
    dilation of arterioles near the skins surface to increase blood flow
  • vasoconstriction
    constriction of arterioles near the skins surface to decrease blood flow