Cards (115)

  • What is one of the objectives of the health care delivery system?
    Assume responsibility for lifelong learning, own personal development and maintenance of competence.
  • What is the primary goal of the World Health Organization (WHO)?
    To build a better and healthier future for people all over the world.
  • What types of diseases does WHO strive to combat?
    Communicable diseases like influenza and HIV, and noncommunicable diseases like cancer and heart disease.
  • How does WHO contribute to maternal and child health?
    By helping mothers and children survive and thrive for a healthy old age.
  • What are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?
    Eight goals agreed upon by all 191 UN member states to be achieved by 2015.
  • What does the United Nations Millennium Declaration commit world leaders to combat?
    Poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.
  • What are the Eight Millennium Development Goals?
    1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
    2. Achieve universal primary education
    3. Promote gender equality and empower women
    4. Reduce child mortality
    5. Improve maternal health
    6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
    7. Ensure environmental sustainability
    8. Develop a global partnership for development
  • How are the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) inter-dependent?
    All the MDGs influence health, and health influences all the MDGs.
  • What was adopted by the General Assembly in September 2015?

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • What is the principle behind the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
    Leaving no one behind.
  • What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
    1. No Poverty
    2. Zero Hunger
    3. Good Health and Well-being
    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender Equality
    6. Clean Water and Sanitation
    7. Affordable and Clean Energy
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequality
    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
    12. Responsible Consumption and Production
    13. Climate Action
    14. Life below Water
    15. Life on Land
    16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  • What is the mission of the Philippine Department of Health?
    To lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered health system.
  • What is the vision of the Philippine Department of Health?
    Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022, and Asia by 2040.
  • When was the military Board of Health assembled in the Philippines?
    September 10, 1898.
  • What was the purpose of the military Board of Health when it was created?
    To care for injured American troops.
  • Who was the first health commissioner of the civilian Board of Health?
    Dr. L. M. Maus.
  • What significant event occurred in the early 1900s in the Philippines regarding health?
    200,222 lives, including 66,000 children, were lost in the worst epidemic in Philippine health history.
  • What institution was built in 1901 for medical research and vaccine production?
    The Bureau of Governmental Laboratories.
  • When was the UP College of Medicine and Surgery built?
  • What improvements did the Americans make in public health during their administration?
    Improved the sewer system and provided a safer water supply.
  • What was the Bureau of Health renamed in 1915?
    The Philippine Health Service.
  • Who became the first Filipino to head the Health portfolio on January 1, 1919?
    Dr. Vicente De Jesus.
  • What was established during the reorganization of the Bureau of Health in 1933?
    The official journal, The Health Messenger, and Community Health and Social Centers.
  • What did Governor-General Frank Murphy remark about the Philippines in 1936?
    The Philippines led all oriental countries in terms of health status.
  • What was the composition of the Bureau of Health’s organization in 1936?
    11 community and social health centers, 38 hospitals, 215 puericulture centers, 374 sanitary divisions, 1,535 dispensaries, and 72 laboratories.
  • What were the major priorities of the Department of Health in the 1940s?
    Tuberculosis, malnutrition, malaria, leprosy, gastrointestinal disease, and the high infant mortality rate.
  • What happened to health services during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines?
    Health was relegated to the Department of Education, Health and Public Welfare.
  • What did Executive Order No. 94, signed in 1944, call for?
    The creation of the Department of Health.
  • When was the Department of Health reorganized under Executive Order 288?
    February 20, 1958.
  • What was one of the priorities of the Marcos administration regarding health?
    Health maintenance.
  • What was established on February 14, 1975?
    The Philippine Heart Center.
  • What was created under Executive Order 94 in 1948?
    The Institute of Nutrition.
  • What did Health Secretary Paulyn Jean Rossel-Ubial announce in December 2016?
    In 2017, the government will start paying the hospital bills and medicines of poor Filipinos.
  • How much was allocated to the DOH in the 2017 national budget?
    ₽96.336 billion.
  • What did Ubial say about PhilHealth in relation to poor patients in government hospitals?

    Poor patients do not have to present PhilHealth cards when they avail of assistance.
  • What does universal healthcare coverage mean according to Senator Loren Legarda?
    Any non-member of PhilHealth will automatically be made a member upon availment of healthcare service in a public hospital.
  • What are the general functions of the Bureau of Local Health Systems and Development (BLHSD)?
    • Identify and assess priorities in local health systems development
    • Develop policies, guidelines, and standards on sustainable local health systems
    • Ensure multi-stakeholder participation in local health systems development
    • Monitor and evaluate functionality of local health system
  • What are the specific functions of the Health Systems Development Division (HSDD)?
    • Identify and assess priorities in local health systems development
    • Develop policies, guidelines, and standards on sustainable local health systems
    • Ensure multi-stakeholder participation in local health systems development
    • Monitor and evaluate functionality of local health system
  • What are the specific functions of the Health Systems Monitoring and Evaluation Division (HSMED)?
    • Develop policies, plans, and standards to build and enhance capacity for local health leadership and governance
    • Provide technical assistance to monitor and evaluate local health system performance
    • Promote best practices in local health systems development for widespread replication
  • What is the significance of RA 7160, the Local Government Code?
    It transformed local government units into self-reliant communities and active partners in national goals through decentralization.